GP2X 920t + 940t Assembly Help


Still Fresh
Feb 5, 2006
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Hi everyone.
I have my new GP2X and I would like to learn some ARM 920T assembly code and how to use second 940T processor in my .s using the gnu as compiler.

Could you help me in getting info, tutorials or online manuals or a good book that fits my specific needs?

GP2X rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (potential brick)

Thank you!!
You're gonna want to learn C/C++ first, methinks.

Most of the stuff you'll want to do can be done fine without assembly.
Yeah no offense but first things first. Try to get "hello world" up first ;)

It is always funny to see a newbie crash land on this site and wanting to dive in to the most difficult task first. I admire the courage.

Not saying this is you, but for comic relief sake I see other posts from time to time like:

"Hi I am wanting to learn to program can someone tell me a good ASM book? For my first project I want to write an Amiga emulator from scratch all in ASM and use both cores, all of the graphics co-processors and write my own OS" "I want to have it running at FS0, full speed with sound" "After that excercise is out of the way I will start some of the hard stuff" :P

Good to see you are ambitious though, I wish you luck, and have fun.
Mudi posted on Feb 5 2006 at 07:36 AM said:
You're gonna want to learn C/C++ first, methinks.

Most of the stuff you'll want to do can be done fine without assembly.
who says he cant?
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NoobLuck posted on Feb 5 2006 at 05:42 AM said:
I have my new GP2X and I would like to learn some ARM 920T assembly code and how to use second 940T processor in my .s using the gnu as compiler.

Could you help me in getting info, tutorials or online manuals or a good book that fits my specific needs?

I'm going to read this as you've done ASM and/or machine code in the past.

You should download the ARM 9 databook pdf for details on all the op codes. I suggest getting the file, which is on the gp32spain ftp site (Check the wiki). This contains the MMSP2 data book, with lots of GP2X hardware info (such as 2nd cpu coms) and the appropriate ARM databook. Then its just a case of learning gcc-ism's and drinking lots of coffee. When all that fails someone on irc can probably give you can example.

As for getting the second cpu going from the same binary. I suggest taking a look at Rlyeh's minilib, I seem to remember him having got this working. I haven't tried it myself though. Stuck to C and C++ on GP32/GP2X so far.

Good luck,

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NoobLuck posted on Feb 5 2006 at 07:42 AM said:
Hi everyone.
I have my new GP2X and I would like to learn some ARM 920T assembly code and how to use second 940T processor in my .s using the gnu as compiler.

Could you help me in getting info, tutorials or online manuals or a good book that fits my specific needs?

Yes of course - start here. It's not the newest but it will give you an idea about Arm's assembler and the cpu itself too.

NoobLuck posted on Feb 5 2006 at 07:42 AM said:
GP2X rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (potential brick)

Thank you!!

DaveC posted on Feb 5 2006 at 09:07 AM said:
Yeah no offense but first things first. Try to get "hello world" up first ;)

It is always funny to see a newbie crash land on this site and wanting to dive in to the most difficult task first. I admire the courage.

I will not say the assembler is easy but in case of Arm it is easy. :)
(and can be very powerfull too - "STRLE R0,[R1,-R2,LSL#3]!" - this is an example of single opcode what is doing 5 things at once - conditional, adding, shifting, storing word and writeback of pointer)

The problem with assembler is the same as with C - the pointer arythmetics and logical thing like binary and, or, xor, shifts...

But once figured the only problem will be an idea of algorithm - for me not the actual coding takes most of time but thinking how to attack the problem. I at first will use even Python for prototyping as it's fastest way.

DaveC posted on Feb 5 2006 at 09:07 AM said:
Not saying this is you, but for comic relief sake I see other posts from time to time like:

"Hi I am wanting to learn to program can someone tell me a good ASM book? For my first project I want to write an Amiga emulator from scratch all in ASM and use both cores, all of the graphics co-processors and write my own OS" "I want to have it running at FS0, full speed with sound" "After that excercise is out of the way I will start some of the hard stuff" :P

That is funny indeed.

And that is a mistake to assume that just assembler will guarantee excellent results. Optmizations are not magic and most of impressive results are due the smart algos themselves not a direct asm optimizations.

DaveC posted on Feb 5 2006 at 09:07 AM said:
Good to see you are ambitious though, I wish you luck, and have fun.

It'd better if someone use such thing like the Python for a start. It just offers much more concepts (lists, some functional programing, various methods of control flows in code, etc.) than C can. There will not be compilation/linking issues too and ability to test a code immediatelly is fantastic one. So it will be good learning about algos (the most important thing) then go for C and assembler.
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OK. I have been programing C and C++ for years (C more time). Currently I am playing to improve my skills in assembly code and GP2X.

In the university I have studied the MIPS R2000 CPU instruction set, interruptions, CPU segmentation, stack, efficent programming techniques as well. A good approach, next year I will study more of this.

Currently I am trying to help in SDL_image and I am reporting bugs and triying to add some more functionality there.

Thanks for your replies and yes I am a FUCKING NOOB with only base knowledge of things. As this is my first post here I do not worry about your welcome attacks :-P.

I like tracker music not graphics programming!!!. I am pointing towards OS developement!!!!
NoobLuck posted on Feb 5 2006 at 07:00 PM said:
OK. I have been programing C and C++ for years (C more time). Currently I am playing to improve my skills in assembly code and GP2X.

In the university I have studied the MIPS R2000 CPU instruction set, interruptions, CPU segmentation, stack, efficent programming techniques as well. A good approach, next year I will study more of this.

Currently I am trying to help in SDL_image and I am reporting bugs and triying to add some more functionality there.

Thanks for your replies and yes I am a FUCKING NOOB with only base knowledge of things. As this is my first post here I do not worry about your welcome attacks :-P.

I like tracker music not graphics programming!!!. I am pointing towards OS developement!!!!

OK, good to know you have a base in C and C++. There are some links to good guides for ARM ASM above, if you missed them, and I apologize for my previous post. :D
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Mudi posted on Feb 6 2006 at 08:48 AM said:
OK, good to know you have a base in C and C++. There are some links to good guides for ARM ASM above, if you missed them, and I apologize for my previous post. :D

Well it is true with C and C++ you can do almost the same.
But where is the fun of learning a different way of programming?
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