0 Ad Rts Game Open Source


Sep 23, 2008
Cairns, Australia
Wildfire Games proudly announces the release of the first alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. After 9 years since the concept of 0 A.D. was designed on paper, we have a close approximation of a playable game. This release comes with aggressive units that attack enemies on sight, lifelike animals that escape danger, two new maps, in-game multiplayer chat and much more. Alpha releases of 0 A.D. will each get a number and a name, so this one is "Alpha 1 Argonaut"



Should someone take on the porting / compiling etc. Not many good looking RTS games for the Pandora yet AFAIK.

I tried this one on my desktop about a week ago. Looks really nice, but still feels far from being finished.

Once the game matures, a Pandora version would be great.
I would love to see 0 A.D. on the Pandora, it's definitely the nicest looking open source RTS I've seen.
The hardware requirements might be a bit steep - but one way or another it can run well on the Pandora, even if it means it won't look as nice as the PC version.
Yay! I've been awaiting 0 AD for quite a while!
EDIT: Crap. I just realized that you have to compile it for Linux/OSX. I don't feel like downloading Xcode... At all.
I'm now searching for a prepackaged version. If you find one, you win an internet.
Well, 0 A.D. at the moment is far from being finished. At this point it doesn't have A.I., using animals for food literally COLLECTS them rather than killing them and then collecting food from them, there are some missing animations, you can scroll all the way off the map forever, etc.

It seems to me like they spent more time on perfecting the graphics and the assets, rather than focusing on actual gameplay.

As it stands, I don't even think the game is remotely playable yet. You CAN download the alpha and look at it, but that's about it.
Jourdy288 said:
Yay! I've been awaiting 0 AD for quite a while!
EDIT: Crap. I just realized that you have to compile it for Linux/OSX. I don't feel like downloading Xcode... At all.
I'm now searching for a prepackaged version. If you find one, you win an internet.
Add a repo then install, very easy. :)

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^I'm sorry but I'm a total newb to this.. How do I actually get the repo? Apologies for knowing so little...
Jourdy288 said:
^I'm sorry but I'm a total newb to this.. How do I actually get the repo? Apologies for knowing so little...
Did you follow his link? It has quite specific instructions for several platforms.
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Ehh, I don't know. Doesn't really look like my kind of game. I'm more of a puzzle and first-person shooter type.

By the way, did anyone else see they guy stabbing air with a spear in that video?
Caine said:
Jourdy288 said:
^I'm sorry but I'm a total newb to this.. How do I actually get the repo? Apologies for knowing so little...
Did you follow his link? It has quite specific instructions for several platforms.
I did. Then I realized I had to compile. To do that, I'll need Xcode. Nearly a gig of stuff... Then there's all those... Other steps... They frighten me.
To be honest, I think I'll just wait until it's all compiled into a convenient little .DMG. I might be waiting awhile, but hey.
EDIT: Argh. I'm feeling some sort of techno-guilt. Like I just kicked the nerd deep within me in the stomach. I suppose I'll have to try this now. Oh the pains of having a wired conscience..
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Jourdy288 said:
I did. Then I realized I had to compile. To do that, I'll need Xcode. Nearly a gig of stuff... Then there's all those... Other steps... They frighten me.
What distro are you running that you have to compile? All the big ones are there: Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE, and Fedora; any of the lesser distros I'm sure you could hack something together from one of these anyway. You need to compile gentoo, apparently, but if you're running gentoo you should be doing so anyway :P
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b1ueskycomp1ex said:
At this point it doesn't have A.I.
For me this is the most disappoint point, such a game stands and falls with an good A.I., at least if you want to play it offline.
The game is promising, nice graphics but one of the last things I look when I'm in search for an good RTS game is graphic Quality. Still wondering if they spent all the years in development only onto the graphics. ^^"
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@Stan - Jourdy's mention of .DMG (a standard Mac OS X disk image format) makes me think he's using a Mac. :)
Prometheus said:
@Stan - Jourdy's mention of .DMG (a standard Mac OS X disk image format) makes me think he's using a Mac. :)
oh. Whoops. I'll just go stand in the corner and think about what I've done.
Sorry Jourdy.
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fusion_power said:
b1ueskycomp1ex said:
At this point it doesn't have A.I.
For me this is the most disappoint point, such a game stands and falls with an good A.I., at least if you want to play it offline.
The game is promising, nice graphics but one of the last things I look when I'm in search for an good RTS game is graphic Quality. Still wondering if they spent all the years in development only onto the graphics. ^^"

Well apparently it was closed source, was in development for something like 10 years, and this alpha is the result of the code becoming open source. So hopefully we can see some more development pretty soon. In about a year it's possible that there could be a stable, full release.

In 5 - 6 months we might actually have a fully-playable beta.
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Those guys behind that project invested an incredible amount of time for researches, it has a really heavy focus on historical correctness and individualism of the different tribes and nations, so you won't have lots of reused ressources despite the quite high amount of playable factions like in other similar games.