
  1. Silent-Hunter

    Help with using sox as a voice changer?

    I already posted a question on Super User about this, but I was wondering if maybe someone here knows. I'm attempting to make a realtime voice changer to make me sound like a turian (from Mass Effect). What I'd like to do, is take input from the mic, split it into two channels, lower the pitch...
  2. FBnil

    Software SOX: Question about

    SoX (Sound eXchange; it's in the Pandora Repo) can do a lot of things, for example: When you run it it drops you in a shell, from there, you must first export some environment variables: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/bin export SOX_OPTS="--buffer 4096 -q" Now try to...