
  1. G

    Pyra xkb layout file suggested language variants

    Hi ! I propose that we share in this thread the variants of the pyra xkb layout file that we created for our own languages. French variant : Pyra-fr Here is mine, a french variant, called "pyra-fr". The changes made in the "pyra" official keyboard layout are as follows : (The keys "é" and...
  2. G

    Mended pyra xkb layout file

    Hi ! I happened to notice that the letters "é", on the "R" key, and "è", on the "T" key, were in fact inverted on the "pyra" xkb layout file (consequently, if you pressed "é" on the attached keyboard of the pyra, it would actually display "è" on the screen, and vice versa). So I created a new...