Search results

  1. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.7.2 With Usb Keyboard Support!

    After some headaches, I finally managed to read the scancodes of USB keyboards and therefore add USB keyboard support to the emulator, so here it is a new version: What's new: - No +3 reset when loading a .dsk file if we're already using...
  2. Metalbrain

    Go Bear Go! Remake

    Computer Emuzone Games Studio has just released Go Bear Go! Remake, a pengo clone based on the ZX Spectrum game of the same name. Credits: Code: Zikitrake Graphics and Inlay: Kendroock Music: DavidCM Sound FX: The Punisher Testing: CEZGS Testers team It has been coded in Ultimate Fenix, and...
  3. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.7.1

    A bit later than expected, but it's time for a new release! What's new: - Fixed a bug that made the LOAD function from virtual keyboard fail most of the times. - Added a hack to make the loading of the .ini file that indicates the programs...
  4. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.7

    Here we go with another version of the ZX Spectrum emulator! This one should have been called 1.6, but since the topic name of the pre-release version of 1.5 has caused some confusion, we've decided to skip it and jump to 1.7 As usual, here it is...
  5. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.5.1

    Urgent bugfix by Seleuco: What's new: - Fixed a bug that made default configuration inexistant if the .cfg file couldn't be found, making it unable to start on F200 models.
  6. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.5

    Another version! This time it's all thanks to Seleuco, who took the task of fixing the sound for himself and has surpassed everyone's expectations! What's new: - Fixed Sound emulation. Speaker & AY sounds OK now. New DSP Code. More accurated...
  7. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.5b2

    Hi all! Even though screen emulation ain't 100% perfect yet, I promised a fix for F200 users this weekend, and right now it's already better than the last version, so here it is: What's new: - Small timing fixes. - Screen rendering code...
  8. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.5b1

    Here's a new version of GP2Xpectrum, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator: What's new: - Fixed a bug that prevented the Y button to be assigned to a key using the virtual keyboard - The virtual keyboard won't make all frames show when frameskip...
  9. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.4

    The last 1.4 version is here: and once updated it will be here too:,0,0,0,5,1786 What's new: - Memory contention emulation is now optional. It's changed together with frameskip. A different speed is...
  10. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.4b4

    Hi again! Here's the next update of this ZX Spectrum emulator: and also here (once it's updated):,0,0,0,5,1786 What's new: - More speed optimizations, and this time they're noticeable. 48K Sound...
  11. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.4b3

    Here's a small bugfix release: And also (once updated) here:,0,0,0,5,1786 What's new: - Fixed loading of .SNA files that became broken in previous version - Small optimizations
  12. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.4b2

    Hi all! Here's another version of the ZX Spectrum emulator: and here too (once updated):,0,0,0,5,1786 What's new: - CPU speed increase to 125/170 wasn't enough, and many games performed slower than...
  13. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.4b1

    Here's another version of this ZX Spectrum emulator: and at:,0,0,0,5,1786 What's new: - Fixed some instruction timings - Added bus contention for IN and OUT - Replaced the memory contention emulation...
  14. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.3

    After this week's DSP emulator update, I've taken a look at that Z80 Exerciser, and fixed several flags bugs, a bug I've detected in DAA and even a bug loading the z80 file from that page. Also, as I finally received the official blessings from Hermes more than a month ago, I've decided to call...
  15. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.3b3

    Hi all! Here's another version: Some fixes: - Virtual keyboard no longer shows the ugly effect that Squidge's hack caused. - Fixed a bug that caused it to ignore the .ini file sometimes. - Newlines (and anything else after first line) in...
  16. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.3b2

    Another version: What's new: - GnoStiC added USB joystick support. - Fixed flags behaviour for block I/O instructions (INI,INIR,IND,INDR,OUTI,OTIR,OUTD,OTDR) - Fixed a little speed problem: it was starting always at 166MHz, not taking in...
  17. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.3b1

    After applying Squidge's hack, I've been able to reduce CPU speed needs to 120MHz (frameskip 1)/166MHz (no frameskip), and the result is here:
  18. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum V1.2

    Even though I still haven't been contacted by Hermes, I decided to make this one the final 1.2 release. Next version will be 1.3b1 . Anyway, what's new? - Fixed a small bug that I introduced in 1.2b3 with page advance: advancing from the last page didn't reach the final file, but one position...
  19. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.2b5 Released

    Ok, less than a day, and here I strike again: Changes: - I've enabled the memory contention emulation, and now Manic Miner is still too fast, but just a little bit, not a lot like before. The rainbow effects in Zynaps and Uridium now show...
  20. Metalbrain

    Gp2xpectrum 1.2b4 Released

    While investigating the abnormal high speed of Manic Miner, I found a quite ugly bug that made all repeat instructions (LDIR,LDDR,CPIR,CPDR,INDR,INIR,OTIR,OTDR) execute 8 t-states faster than they should. I've fixed it and you can find the new version here...