Sam's right! The inbuild videoplayer shows much more smoother video! You can really notice that with real-life series/movies.. So instead that everyone is making bad software accelerated mplayer make one perfect player instead using hw decoding.. I have no idea how to code but if i did i would...
I had this too! Re-install FW 2.0 (start+select on black loading screen) and after that the new firmware with same method. After the 2.1 install you have to run the GPU included for videosettings and etc.
Since this FW the OGM files i played are doing weird.. the movie time for each OGM is now 00:00 and when i go fast forward it freezes.. I checked the video on bad frames but the file is OK.
edit: im going to downgrade to 2.0
Great FW!
On my GP2X the FW2.1.0 is only shown on the green loading screen. And when i go to INFO it says 2.0.0. Is that OK? Also i still can't see OGM's and they are really have that extension.
Video isn't stable at all!
When i go fast forward it goes slow and when choosing pause and play the screen is very slow.
And when movie starts always need to go forward or back because then the sound volume is much higher.
Thats exactly what im thinking too!
I have the same problem.. Maybe there is a fix for it but i think its an error in the CPU.
(You are the guy who told me to resize and it worked bro thnx!)
I had the exact same thing man!
First of all you should not encode to DivX YET.. You must encode to XviD to ensure you don't get freezing.
Then 2nd; You must resize the movie to 320x240. That worked for me. Many people got problems with the original inbuild movie player but if you resize AND...
How come the modified mp2x is faster than the original video player? Can i ajust the speed on the modified one?
edit: i notice that it only happens when i press the pause button. how lame!
Doesn't work here either mate. Standard player says not supported and the modified only gives sound.
GSpot says:
video source: cvid
audio source: PCM
sounds like some old codecs
Yes i will do that.
Here is a link to the modified videoplayer which support some more formats but which is way slower than its original (imo) :,1,0,0,6,1679
Just start it with UTILITY-mode.
I also had that problem. You need to check if the audio sources aren't OGG or AC3 because the original MP2X player doesn't recognize that.
edit: i see you posted it in the GP32 forum and not in the GP2X forum.
Im playing movies with the original movieplayer because when you resize the movies to the GP2X screen size it doesn't freeze. Now in my opinion the original movieplayer plays the movie alot faster than the modified one by Ell.. But after 10 mins of play the movie is getting slower and...