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  1. D

    Sequencer / Synthesizer

    Till now NintendoDS with Nitrotracker beats GP2X in audio producing area... Which is VERY strange indeed, taking into account that GP2X is made to support open source software (NintendoDS must be moded for this), GP2X has better hardware and much bigger possibilities for external hardware...
  2. D

    Sequencer / Synthesizer

    will be done, for sure. i was thinking to make some sort of "micro PC" for my needs... but as i found this handheld device...hmmmmm, seems it can do many good things for me :) so, i am a musician, which do not need so fancy config to travel around (as some laptop or whatever). just a simple but...
  3. D

    Sequencer / Synthesizer

    torpor, your post totally converted me to GP2X fan :) After confirming my order (before few minutes) I hope to have GP2X pretty soon. And hope to see your projects online soon! Take care, and have a nice work :)