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  1. E

    Forum Sections

    Embarrasingly you are right. To be honest the only part of the forum that interests me is the top half thats about the GP2x and I never look to the bottom of the page, so hence my post was really for that section but I will admit I should have checked for a suggestions forum as that is forum...
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    Forum Sections

    well you lost me on that "suggestion" edit: oops! now I see theres a suggestions forum.. proves I dont look that far down...
  3. E

    Forum Sections

    yes i understand and im sure emulaters that are very rarely updated dont need this but when it comes to evolving software such as uae4all, got to ask if its right to post in the news section, what happens if v6.5 is released, another post in the news section then many posts with peeps giving...
  4. E

    Forum Sections

    yes, for instance i wanted to post in the uae4all thread but its a news based forum, so is surely not right? But if I had added to an older post in the proper section maybe it would not be seen, what to do? E
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    Uae4all Gp2x V0.6.4

    yes it was a long time ago, but didnt want to add to the wiki with incomplete info on this. lots more to add to the wiki when i get time. thx E
  6. E

    Forum Sections

    Hi, looking through the forums its clear that we need more sections. For instance the established emulaters such as MAME and UAE4all, these are cross posted in at least two sections and its sometimes confusing knowing where to post. Maybe for instance, a dedicated News section, tech section...
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    Uae4all Gp2x V0.6.4

    Has anyone tried Chaos Engine in 6.4? It does not seem to work for me after loading right up to selecting players. If it works please post info on version and settings here or on wiki page. Also does anyone know if Desert Strike has screen overlaid score/direction/weopons graphics, checked it...
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    Uae4allgp2x 0.6.3

    Thank you for this latest release, I am happy you took my suggestion on board about a mouse speedup in the menu as it makes games that bit more playable. Although I have just updated i will test games later tonight for a full test. So far I have noticed that in Dungeon Master the curser is...
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    Uae4all Gp2x 0.6.0 First Release With Integrated Fame/c

    not sure if my post was deleted from here as I cant find it, so.. ok, played about with this, generally speaking it is a lot better especially the sound, for some reason some games black screen where as they didnt before. I also cant overclock at all and get similar white screen results as...
  10. E

    How's Amiga Emu Looking?

    please delete, wrong post sorry
  11. E

    Uae4all News

    I cant wait to try this, all my batteries are flat from yesterdays gaming, so cant try for an hour, hopes I can play Dune2 with speed.. Thanks to all involved in this latest release. E
  12. E

    I Have Just Sold A Gp2x On The Tube...

    As it happens, just last week I was talking to bloke at work whom i've only seen in passing, when he seen I had a PC mag, he reminised over flight sims on the Amiga.. Guess what I pulled outa my pocket, yep, my Gp2x with the Amiga Emu, I loaded Falcon up and he was overawed with nostalga.. He...
  13. E

    Screen Shows Colored Lines Only

    Strangly virtually the same wording as this ebay advert ;)
  14. E

    Adding A Game To Mame

    Is that the neo geo game? if so you can play it today with gngeo and unlike pc engine Dragon Spirit port it is the same game, Im sure as I play it frequently. edit: this is in reply to strikers 1945 from GP34 post.
  15. E

    Adding A Game To Mame

    Thank you for the well explained replies. Well looks like im going to have to wait until one of the gurus can sort this as its way beyond me. I do play on the PC Engine version but I just like the MAME version a bit better. thanks again all
  16. E

    Adding A Game To Mame

    Hi, one game I really like is Dragon Spirit, unfortunatly its not on the MAME list at start up. Is there a way of adding this to the menu? for instance do i just manually add to the list of games and dat file? If so how do I find all the info needed to add this game, for instance donkey kong...
  17. E

    Re-encode Your Movies For Gp2x

    To help out, for those using the brilliant AutoGk, press CTRL + F9 for another options menu and choose ESS chipset, I found it gives superb results in Xvid using first class source mpegs. BTW choosing the other chipset I got tiled and jumpy results. E
  18. E

    Uae4all Help Please

    ok, Select image disk with B Find them in ROMS Choose your game with B and X if you need a second disk to load to df1: Try Emu Bios on 0 or other settings if it dont work Sound Off Status in (on) This shows if your drives are loading, using 0 to 79 tracks drive led off scroll to run, press B...
  19. E

    Some Emu Setup Questions

    The rage front end is the way to go, just follow the readme with this program, also download the antidark previews for a nice little extra. The ST, sounds like uts the wrong TOS, I got that with 1.6XX, I ended up using v1 with success. I found if it was the wrong game it just went to the GEM...
  20. E

    Every Neo Geo Game Is Bad Rom Or Romrc??

    @ckaloc2002. No, that didnt work either it seems to be the same romc, thanks anyway. Just sems strange they did work, then not now, I must have done something but dont know what for it to happen. E