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  1. A

    Pre Order Price Difference

    If you buy from Asia then you'll most likely be hit by import tax. I bought my GP2X through an Asian site and a month or so later I got a letter requesting I pay the import tax thus saving absolutely nothing. If I'd known that I'd have bought from the UK site. I'd deffo buy through them now...
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    Pocketsnes Version 3

    Cheers Bramrash, I'll check that out when I get home!
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    Pocketsnes Version 3

    I keep getting an error regarding RAM when I try to run Sonic. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? It comes up saying Press Start and then Sonic appears next to the SEGA logo and then Dr Robotnik appears saying there is a RAM error...
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    Taking Apart The Gp2x

    If it's under the screen then you can prise of the screen. I've done this in the past using a hair dryer on low heat. I used a pin to prise up the screen. However you should be very careful to use a LOW heat so as to not overheat the GP2X.
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    Short & Not So Sweet Review Of 2x On T3

    Poor, poor review. I don't think they've even touched the thing. I mean I can spot many flaws: 1. Is Paycheck even out? If no then how would they know how good it is? By watching the rolling demo? 2. I don't see much wrong with the screen. 3. Searching for code? What code? You mean copying a...
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    How Much Would You Pay For A D-pad Pre-modded Gp2x?

    Does this mean this mod isn't available anymore?
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    How Much Would You Pay For A D-pad Pre-modded Gp2x?

    I think people are simply too scared of cutting holes in their GP2X. I'd love to do the mod, but I'd not be happy doing it without the right tool for cutting the circle for the D-Pad. It'd be good if there was details of what you could use to make the circle? I'd happily pay $30 for someone to...
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    Gp2x (mk2) Review From The United Kingdom

    Really good review with only one real fault. 9+9+8+10 is an average of 9, not 9.4.
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    Gp2x Writeup On Digg - Take Two

    What's with the idiot who says it was designed primarily for video? He then states "which it doesn't actually do". Umm...mine does...
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    So What Do People Usually Do With Their Gp2x?

    Play games Occasionally watch a film Door-stop Paper weight List goes on ;-)
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    Payback On Gp2x

    I know it's supposed to be out in the summer, but does anyone know when?
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    Squidge's Mmu Hack: Discovery Of The Month :)

    Just donated £5. Would give more but I'm skint and looking to buy a flat(!!!)
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    Breakout Box Instruction Manual

    Does it come with that cable or is it bought separately? What about the TV-Out cable?
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    What Can The Gp2x Do That Gp32 Cant?

    Store a LOT more games on it due to using SD cards rather than old SmartMedia. Better Screen Better emulation Can play movies (without trying to compress them down to fit on a 128mb card!) Actually you can't really compare the two, the GP2X can do a lot more than the GP32 ever could. Unless...
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    Uk Owners Of Gp2x

    Order from LikSang (£95 inc delivery rather than £130). Took a couple of days to come and I didn't have to pay any tax on it. Guess I was v.lucky. As has been said though, if it breaks then it's back to HongKong rather than wherever is based.
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    Psx4gp2x W.i.p.

    Do games like RidgeRacer work? Or is it more games like Worms etc?
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    Neogeo .gfx Files

    I know these are often created by running the emulator, but is it possible to create them before running the game as I have found games like MetalSlug5 only run if the gfx file is already present whereas LastBlade 2 will create the file itself.
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    Gp2x Joystick Mod?

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    Can't Get Metal Slug 5 Working

    I already downloaded that torrent from GP2X torrent. Unfortunately I deleted the .gfx file and whilst formatting/moving files about. Isn't the .gfx file created when you first run the game, or an it be made before hand?
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    Can't Get Metal Slug 5 Working

    I can get 1-4 (inc 4 plus) to run, but not 5 for some reason. I also have issues with the KOF games not running. In some it says to run the dumpgfx, but this will not run for me. Any ideas?