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  1. C

    Pandora Wifi/net Config Tool

    Never had problems with gnome network manager. It's always been great in ubuntu for me. The only issue I had problems with was the broadcom drivers for the wireless card that is in alot of laptops. With 8.04, even that is totally automated now, so even less work for me to do.
  2. C

    Another Render (yeah... I Know...)

    That looks really good. I had a question though. Is there enough recess in the screen that the joysticks don't come into contact or scratch it when the console is closed? I have been wondering about that.
  3. C

    Very Noob Question, Please Don't Bash Me Unmercifully

    Ok, this is most very absolutely a noobish question, but i have tried searching the forum and checking the wiki. How much the planned cost of the pandora right now? I've searched for 'cost' and 'price' with not much luck. The only post from a credible (in the know) source I came across was...
  4. C

    GP2X Quake 1 Port

    Just tried it out and its already playable(and fun!). If I did try ARM asm, I think it would just be me wanting to tinker around with ARM assembly and I dont think it would ever get finished on my end(so if I do try any armasm I'll probably try it out on a small project can I play around with)...
  5. C

    GP2X Quake 1 Port

    Ah, I see. I haven't tried q1 port yet b/c I seem to have misplaced my q1 cd, but the new version says the demo version should work now so I'll probably try it out to see how it runs. I guess porting the x86 asm to ARM asm wouldn't be the most difficult part, but making the ARM asm just as...
  6. C

    GP2X Quake 1 Port

    For the author of the q1 port for the gp2x, is the port compiled using only the C code or did you enable the asm rendering code? The readme mentions that the software renderer is about 50% as fast using the C only code, but I'd also imagine that porting x86 asm to ARM asm(?) would be quite an...
  7. C

    GP2X Dual Core Cpu Information

    Thanks for the information squidge. I was reading through the magic eyes documentation also, and they mention that anytime an I/O operation is done on hte registers, they also generate an interrupt using the DUALINT920/DUALINT940 registers with the set bit indicating the source of the...
  8. C

    GP2X Dual Core Cpu Information

    Hi, I was checking out rlyeh's library that supports dual cpu operations on the GP2X. I'm curious myself about operating/syncing/etc the dual cpu's, but couldn't totally figure out what was going on in his source. Does anyone have any links to resources where I could read up on controlling...