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  1. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    I think what I think should almost as much considering I am actually considering this device as a business prospect, when I see images like that tells me that this is not a serious device full of serious people. Now lets just ignore the feticious comments I have made for a sec, I know for a...
  2. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    Oh I am real as hell man, I do not really have any sexual perversions, just because I make a sarcastic predator reference... I was hoping you would catch the joke.. But besides that, I have very important business with this device, more than you guys would even think of. That would make it...
  3. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    I do not know, it might be a bad policy to allow perverted images, I assume Evil Dragon wants more potential business. People might be drawn away thinking this is some perverts den, I am just throwing it out there as a possibility. She reminds me of someone... Yeah that is what makes it...
  4. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    ^ he was a weirdo probably, I always thought that picture was very odd, also But I just think that images is too distracting as hell. I am a god damned sexual tyranasaurus! Everyone, we shall ignore his post and...
  5. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    Fair enough, so I am basically not talking to tech geeks, just people with rough opinions, just want to make that clear. I might be more of an expert on this, I am good at optimizing devices, my Nexus 7 is highly optimized, though because I hate bluethooth controllers and having to somehow get...
  6. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    Well you guys already convined me not to preorder now if that is what he is referring to, but lordy I think I am listening to worlds worst salesman/promoters, I think you are doing a disservice. Because I am aware that a whole bunch of pc games were ported to the Android 2-3 years ago. I know...
  7. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    Fail analogy, you can lol, it would just better tasting, lol. You can orange pie too, it just probably takes a little bit of extra prep. Wait, is that the point of the analogy, because then I agree. I have also heard of HIGHER quality cpu, like as in the same clock speed but like you...
  8. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    Thank you for that, that will help me compare it to the Gpd win 2, but I just noticed the analog nubs and d pad are swapped... That changes a lot. As I have used a nub for playing battle toads and I can say it is usable but slightly awkward for precise movements. edit: wait a minute I have...
  9. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    Is it because the Pyra is not even trying to compete perhaps? Considering it is Linux and the specs have been the same for at least 2 years. I wish I knew what the graphics aspect was, when I looked at it, I could not even research it, it was kind of cryptic. I literally never heard of...
  10. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    I might have accidentally worded my last post incorrectly, or at least not state clear what I was talking about, the beast is the Pyra. I like bizarre things, some people even probably think I am bizarre... I like that! The GPD win is just the quickest, cheapest, and easiest solution at this...
  11. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    omg I just suffered a handheld heart attack Lol that price means the Pyra is not even competing with the GPD win 2.. but I also checked the price for a 4g pyra with vat, kind of getting up there.. I have some outdated laptop hardware that I was...
  12. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    Too late, I got it for less than $300 from China, the Chinese seem to like meh anyways. At first glane the GPD win 2 is quite a bit more powerful, but one thing I remember doing with my Nexus 7 is throttleing the cpu or setting the cpu to a very lower mhz (which I customized on the psp a while...
  13. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    So guys.... that is like gonna make the Pyra look a lot less appealing when it is more powerful, has a very solid design, the keyboard looks really use-able. It is basically a shrunken lenvo yoga 700 with gamepad. It will cost around the same as the pyra. I think it can actually run Total...
  14. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    I am interested in games but I want a hybrid device that can function like a laptop so that is why I have not pressed the "buy win" button. Two months is not too long and I do regularly learn new things, but I just dont want it to be a frustrating pain in the butt. I am more interested in the...
  15. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    I am back again, unfortunately I am under time constraints, which is the reason I have not done FULL research, and thus the reason I posted. You know what sucks, I made a detail response but then it basically got erased because some message trolled me, I got signed out, and it was because...
  16. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    So is this going to be buggy for months when it is released, waiting for optimization, hardward working. This is probably going to be released two months from now. So what I am trying to figure out if I would save money by not getting the GPD win. What I am thinking is based on a gpd vs pyra...
  17. D

    introducing myself (with some specific questions!)

    I decided randomly to consider purchasing this, a while back when I stumbled upon this the thing that drove me away was that it is armed based, so my memory is that tablets can not even run something like windows/desktop, so it would just be a android device with keyboard and controls (still...