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  1. M

    Display schutz

    Jaja. Ich hör schon auf. Es is nur so, dass ich meinem kumpel schon vor ungefähr 1.5 monaten die scheibe in die Hand drücken wollte und irgendwie tut sich hier nix, egal wie lange man wartet. Ich weis dass ED da auch nix für kann, wär nur mal toll, wenn hier in naher Zukunft mal was voran geht.
  2. M

    Display schutz

    Immer noch nix neues? :(
  3. M

    Display schutz

    :lol: :lol: Versteh schon!! Sag einfach hier bescheid, sobald sie da sind. :D Danke schon mal im Voraus.
  4. M

    Display schutz

    @Ed: Also, schon irgendwelche news bezüglich der schutzscheiben?? Hab so nem Kumpel nen Gutschein dafür geschenkt, weil seine Scheibe kaputt gegangen ist (keine Ahnung wie...). Will auf keinen Fall drängen, wär nur cool wenn´s irgendein ungefähres Datum gäbe, wann die bei dir reinkommen. :wink:
  5. M

    Display schutz

    @Ed: Hat Gph jetzt schon irgendetwas zur schutz scheibe gesagt?
  6. M

    Display schutz

    @Ed: Weist du zufällig, wenn du wieder welche reinkriegst?
  7. M

    Display schutz

    Hey, Leute!! Ich brauchte ein neues Display-Glas für meinen GP2X. Im shop gibt´s ja nur diese Folie zum kaufen, oder? Wo kriegt man denn sowas her? Kann ich das direkt von Ed kaufen? Wäre cool, wenn ihr mir weiterhelfen könntet. :)
  8. M

    Squidgesnes 0.39

    I would never have thought of it by my self but it´t true, you first heve to exit squidgesnes so that your sevastate is saved. That´s sure good toknow, thanks. :D :)
  9. M

    Squidgesnes 0.39

    Is anyone else having problems with the seavestates? When i save and turn my gp2x off and on again the savestates don´t work anymore. Ami the only one or did i just miss something? :huh: :blink:
  10. M

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Me too, me too!!! Although very patiently... A new release would be interesting. B) ;)
  11. M

    Squidgesnes 0.39

    Why doesn´t anybody tell me about the auto-fs function??!! I just flicked it on accidently and suddenly all the games worked just about perfect!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Well, the sound in F-Zero is really nice now, but the other Problems didn´t get solved. This emulator is...
  12. M

    Squidgesnes 0.39

    Wow, Notaz, you´re really working on this emu!! I´ve just got a few Problems here: 1.The sound in F-Zero 1 and 2 is really bad. Is it possible to fix that? I tried all kind of settings. 2.When you shoot a powershot in Megaman X1 the sound crackles pretty suspicios. Can you fix it? 3.I can´t get...
  13. M


    Well, i solved the Problem... I forgot to install the latest version of gmenu2x. :lol: :lol: It works fine now. :D :D
  14. M


    I really don´t know what i´m doing wrong!! :blink: This is my gmenu file: title=GBA icon=/mnt/sd/Games/gba/vba.png exec=/mnt/sd/Games/gba/vba.gpe clock=250 selectordir=/mnt/sd/Games/gba/ selectorfilter=.gba wrapper=true It´s in Unix Format, of course. I´ve also tried all kinds of variations...
  15. M

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Ah. Good to know. :lol: ;)
  16. M

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Does anyone know if zottd´s a man or a woman????? :blink: :blink: :D
  17. M

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Would it be hard to emulate the special-chips used in some Games, or didn´t any of the developers think of that yet? I´ve been waiting for Kirby and yoshi´s Island2 for months now. Any ideas? :huh:
  18. M

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Zottd!!! Where are you!!?? Where´s the release you promised us for this week?? :unsure: I don´t want to sound rode, I REALLY appreciate everything you´ve done so far. ;) :rolleyes:
  19. M

    Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

    Releas???!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: I hope we don´t have to wait to much longer... :rolleyes:
  20. M

    Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

    First of all: Hats are cute!! B) Second: Page 50, here we come!!!!!! :D :D :D