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    New Gp2x F-200

    I can't believe they didn't use a rechargable battery instead of AA's :angry:
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    State Of The Gp2x?

    Just one question, is the GP2X capable of getting a full speed SNES emulator with sound or is that just a pipedream?
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    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    X-Com 1&2 Eye of the Beholder 1&2 Canon Fodder Alien Breed Pinball Dreams Pinball Fantasy Colonization North & South
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    Simply... Rott

    yeah I would love to see this ported to the GP2X
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    So, Say Gph Released A Sequel...

    Dpad Lithium Battery Wifi Support
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    Strongest Systems It Can Handle 100%?

    I thought some NeoGeo AES games were impossible due to the lack of RAM the GP2X has.
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    Next Version Of Gp2x Hardware

    I just find it hard that they put a joystick in in the first place instead of a Dpad or similar.
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    Next Version Of Gp2x Hardware

    I really hope they get rid of the joystick alltogether and replace it with a Dpad.
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    Omg I Cannot Wait Till Monday

    wow there looks like there is a battle isle type game...Drool
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    Xgp News

    How do you know Hanz have you got a crystal ball... :P
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    Xgp News

    Well after trying to make sense of your ability to spell and your attempt at being funny it was a statement which didn't merit an idiots reply.
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    Dosbox Is This Possible

    bjimba, nice one on the release. Hopefully this will open up some really cool games on the GP2X. I'm drooling thinking about the possibility of playing Eye of the Beholder on the GP2X... :D
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    Dosbox Is This Possible

    from Dosbox to milking cats hmmm... :unsure:
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    If Only The Sources Were Avalable....

    Wow these games would be class... :D
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    Dosbox Is This Possible

    No Scumm is for adventure point and click games like monkey island
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    Dosbox Is This Possible

    I would love to see dosbox ported as it would open up a load of classic games. I would love to play eye of the beholder on a handheld. Does anyone know if it's possible to port dosbox?
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    If Only The Sources Were Avalable....

    My top 5 would be 1) Eye of The Beholder 1&2 (The best Dungeon RPG ever made IMHO) 2) Blood 3) Lord of the Realms (Cool turnbased Statergy) 4) Lemmings 5) Worms I just hope dosbox is ported to the GP2X so that I can play EOTB. It would be like christmas and my birthday rolled into one... :D
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    Xgp News

    I have and can make anything out as the picture is blurred. On another note the Xgp looks tiny and kinda looks difficult to use.
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    Xgp News

    Personally I thing the XGP may kill off the GP2X if they get a few things right. 1) Price 2) Design (No crappy joystick and sloppy hardware f@ckups) 3) If it's Open Source 4) Battery Life I just think that GPH have messed up with the joystick. It's horrible to use and isn't suited to playing...
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    Project "eradication Of Sitck"

    I think GPH were retarded in the first place in having a joystick over a dpad. The GP2X is designed for open source and a lot of it is emulators which most of the systems emulated used dpads. Anyway good luck with the project... :D