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  1. M

    Waffle Updated Again!

    So, apparently people have setup games like Kanon for waffle, whats makes it so difficult to explain?
  2. M

    Waffle Updated Again!

    I bought my first copy at a convention, my second copy I believe was from himeyashop, but they don't have the version that you can patch with the translation.
  3. M

    Waffle Updated Again!

    but I want to play Kanon
  4. M

    Dc Adaptor Requirements?

    I looked at radio shack's assortment looking for a DC adapter. Their 3-12V (1000mA included) doesn't have a 3.3V setting, only like 3V and 5V i think or something.. The GP2X needs 3.3V~
  5. M

    Waffle Updated Again!

    So I'm stuck here at #3. What files need to be converted and what is the tool, I've seen multiple tools mentioned...
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    New Gp2x User

    So I just got my GP2X in the mail tonight. Inside I find the unit, screen protector, manual, usb cable, and batteries. Easy enough, applied screen protector after removing plastic film from LCD & inserted batteries. I have an SD Card too, but what now? How do I transfer files over the USB cable...