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  1. D

    Is It Bricked!? What Can I Do? Help!

    which readme? there's no readme with the firmware upgrade... so what might u be referring to?
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    Is It Bricked!? What Can I Do? Help!

    I've just attempted upgrading from firmware 1.2.1 to 2.0. i put the stuff onto an SD card and when i put it in the gp2x, a message telling me that firmware is upgrading came up. but, then it went to the green loading screen and stayed there indefinately. it does this every time i turn the...
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    it would seem that i am not allowed to give out the addresses of rom sites where you can d/l Metal Slug 1 & 2.
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    Duke Nukem 3d

    I don't think those controls were designed for the GP2X. the controls are based on a .cfg file that's part of the Duke Nukem for PC files. it's like quake: the default GP2X controls for that were just daft, like the default PC controls for quake. B seems to be used as some sort of cancel...
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    Duke Nukem 3d

    duke nukem was a prob for me too. the readme says to use atomic edition. i tried that but i doesn't work at all. then i tried the normal ed. and it works but with the stated problems (corpses flying around etc.) also, the B button is un-assignable to any control, meaning u cant use a jevon's...
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    i see. i got my download at this page:,0,0,0,5,864 i presume your's came from the author's page. thanks for clearing that one up :)
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    I dont wanna get bitchy with fellow GP2X peeps, but where in this readme does it tell me what rom format to use?
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    Thanx:D Why don't these very clever people that write these apps have the sense to tell such things in a readme??? btw, do u have to include the mp3s?
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    Battery Meter

    Just out of interest, what skin is it that says "midium"?
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    What format do the ROMs for NeoCD2X have to be? I have tried it with .iso files and with .bin+.cue files. Neither are detected by this emulator. What format should i use?
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    Battery Meter

    What skin are you using? 'Cos this meter is entirely skin-based, as far as i can tell. If you're using the default skin (which i've hardly used so i'm not that familiar with it) just d/l a new skin :D
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    New News From Korean Site

    I'm surprised there aren't more/any korean speaking peeps on this forum, what with the fact that the machine itself and the company behind it are korean.
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    Sd Card Booting

    GPH have released the U-boot source, it's here:,0,0,0,46,932 So, what are your thoughts now......?
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    January Official Release

    Are you sure it's not already had an official release? I mean, i've seen adverts for the GP2X in two magazines already (namely Edge and Linux User & Developer). If by official, you mean available in high street shops, well i can't imagine that ever happening.
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    Sd Card Booting

    I think i remember reading somewhere that it was possible to boot off an SD card? Is this actually possible? It would be great cos then we wouldn't have to worry about bricking our GP2Xs when updating the firmware. Or is it possible to access the NAND memory directly? 'Cos when i plug the GP2X...
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    Snes Emulator (snes9x) Problems...

    With the Snes emulator, is it possible to quit the game you're playing? Or do you have to turn the GP2X off? And is thre an option menu? Any save states? I wouldn't normally want to ask such simple questions, but there's no english readme with this emu, so i'm a bit stuck, i'm afraid.