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    Rapidracoon Need A Musician.

    i wonder if this game project is still alive. their website and videos from youtube have disappeared.
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    Gp2x + Cold Temperatures

    Last year there was an article about GP2X in a Finnish computer magazine called MikroBitti. They said that the unit they tested had bricked after being outdoors. I had same kind of experience last year. My unit bricked after being outdoors for maybe 30 minutes with GP2X in my pocket. Could've...
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    Stella 2.3 Released!

    ROM properties... that's the magic word. Thanks. Now it works much better. Please wait while i go and fuck myself... I could still have something to say about the sound emulation, but i'll wait until i've tested my code on real hardware. I apologize for my bad words. Someone could've just...
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    Stella 2.3 Released!

    At least Eurocon 2005 and Graz intros have issues with flickering, colors and running speed.
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    Stella 2.3 Released!

    New versions of emulators are always appreciated, but Stella just can't handle VCS roms properly. I checked Z26's source and it seems that since it uses x86 assembly, it won't be possible to port it yet. Correct me if i'm wrong.
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    Stella 2.3 Released!

    That's nice. But still, Stella sucks. Someone should port Z26 for gp2x. And yes, sourcecode is available.
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    My Personal Stick Mod ;)

    it is quite small. doesn't it hurt your thumb during longer gaming sessions?
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    Ps2 Stick For 2x

    Any stick is better than the original, IMO :) But i really like it how this feels. It's quite big and might look a bit funny but at least your thumb doesn't slip. Plus it's quick to make.
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    Ps2 Stick For 2x

    I don't know if anyone else has done this, so i'm sorry if this is old stuff. Couple of days ago i took apart a broken ps2 dualshock controller and modded one of the analog sticks to fit gp2x. Fits quite well. And more than enough of grip. I used pliers, a file and a cheap dremel clone to drill...
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    Oldplay V0.8

    timofonic: even if the modules on the mods anthology collection are available on various websites for free, it's still a commercial product.
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    Oldplay V0.8

    I bought gp2x because i knew someone would make a modplayer for it. Now i just need to find a 10gb sd-card for all of my modules :P
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    Sound Problem

    Actually i've a bit similiar problem. Except for that the weird nosie comes only from the right speaker, which is otherwise totally mute - no matter what i do. I'm sending my unit back to the importer next week.
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    Gp2x-2006 Coding Competition Splashscreens

    mmm... plasma.
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    Power Supply

    Could it be possible to use basically any 3V power supply by connecting it to the battery connectors? I've a shitload of PSU's but none of them have the connector of a right size for the gp2x.