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  1. C

    Free Sdio-stack Available

    Now to convince SanDisk to bring back this thing: Wifi + flash memory (so you don't have to store games in the nand) = the ultimate GP2X accessory.
  2. C

    Blargh. How Do I Remove Tranparancies?

    That was super helpful. There's a part later in Chrono Trigger where the Transhack doesn't work at all, disabling the offending layers is the only way to play it. Thanks!
  3. C

    Love Cramfs But...

    I've had this problem, too, but I'm pretty sure I've noticed it on every firmware version I've tried, cramfs or no. Most recently I've noticed it when playing mame2x. Sometimes the game (any game) just hangs for a half second or so. I've always assumed it was something bizarro going on with...
  4. C

    Gnuboy Prblems

    I'm having a problem with this as well. No matter which place I put the roms (either ./roms relative to Gnuboy2x.gpe or /roms/gameboy in the SD root), I can browse them just fine, but pressing B to start any of them kicks me back to the gp2x main menu. For reference, I'm using cramfs 0.0.4...
  5. C


    As other people pointed out, you actually can now play homebrew on the PSP with firmware up to 2.6, you just have to have a copy of the game GTA:Stories in order to do it. Factor that in if you're going to be buying a new one. :)
  6. C

    Coding Compo

    Indeed, Geometry Wars makes use of the XB360's dual analog joysticks, the left controls lateral motion, and the right fires bullets in the direction of the stick press. The visual style for Vektor looks very similar, though, and if it's nearly as fast-paced and full of pretty visual effects as...
  7. C


    Yeah, if you had a USB tv capture board, like something from Hauppauge (they have a USB WinTV model) you should be able to do it. The drivers should exist for Linux (thanks to all of the digital PVR folks!), though I'm not sure if they'll be for kernel 2.4 or 2.6 only... they may need back-porting.
  8. C

    Nand Help

    Actually, it sounds like stuff is on the SD card, right where it belongs. Are you sure you're not confused by the color scheme on the NAND vs. SD selection screen? GPH uses black as the color for the "currently selected" item. I find this to be very confusing when there are only 2 options on...
  9. C

    Boot Times

    Yah, UBoot is definitely taking longer than the upgrade kernel during a boot. Could there be an easy win there, as well? I guess we'll have to wait for the source to be released to see what it's actually doing. The fact that jffs2 mounting is what was slowing down the default kernel boot is a...
  10. C

    Easy Gp2x Serial Cable

    Thanks for the pics and tutorial! I just got my E810 cables from AXShop, but haven't had time to rip them apart, yet. I'll probably be turning one into a straight serial cable, and breaking the other out into a breadboard header for prototyping a breakout board.
  11. C

    Fast Boot Firmware - 15 Second Boots

    Agreed. I find the best results around just left-of-center. I guess it will be different for everyone, however . Does anyone know what file maintains that info? It could be cooked custom-like into the cramfs image.
  12. C

    Fast Boot Firmware - 15 Second Boots

    I must say: this is a totally exciting development!!!! It works great so far and I think I'll stick with a similar system (who wouldn't want read-only stuff on the nand, anyway?). I do have a question, though. I don't understand what the DD is actually doing there (other than copying the...
  13. C

    Firmware Is Out

    Until it's on the archive, you can get it on the Korean site here: EDIT: Whoops, that requires a login on the site. Sorry. :)
  14. C

    Firmware Is Out

    Babelfish'd translation of the release notes on the website: Using my Babelfish-ese skills: (1) it looks like they've done some things to increase battery life (though they mention something here about pressing the Y button on the NAND/SD screen? Clock speed controls maybe? Weird place for...
  15. C

    Star Control 2 And Gp32x

    Heh. Well. It's already been ported to the gp2x, where it plays wonderfully. I have no idea if that port leveraged all of the nice SDL/Linux features of the gp2x, though, so really I can't speak to it's portability to the gp32. Really, I shouldn't have posted. :unsure:
  16. C

    GP32 Gp2x Breakout-box Prototype: Usb Works!

    How freakin' exciting!!!!! I can't wait for my E810 cables to arrive so I can start hacking up one of these. So cool! :D
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    I've managed to get it to connect to my WinXP laptop with USB 2.0 ports by disabling the USB2.0 driver and forcing it to use USB 1.1. I abuse technology. :D
  18. C

    Video Sync Stink

    I found that if I use constant bitrate encoding for both the video and the audio while using XviD + mp3 that videos work well for me on FW1.1.0
  19. C

    Who Wants To Code Drivers For This ?

    There's a nice standard for USB joystick devices (through the HID driver, I believe). Assuming that SDL leverages that (and why wouldn't it?) then SDL based programs should be able to search for attached joysticks pretty easily. This still all assumes that the gp2x is set up to properly...
  20. C

    Who Wants To Code Drivers For This ?

    Off the top of my head, with that being a USB joystick, I think it should work "out of the box". That is, if you consider that the box requires a USB-host connection over the EXT port with custom hardware, as well as a custom kernel or compiled kernel modules loaded up for linux to talk to the...