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  1. Z

    Vexed 1.0 For Gp2x

    thanks to all reply now, i am cording level counter and name but have a diffcult in understanding SDL_ttf lib... i want somebody help me. if you want to play other levelpack, change "XXXX.ini" to "classic.ini" in stage folder. volume control only work during playing game. and also you can...
  2. Z

    Vexed V1.0 Released

    this is gp32 version. :-)
  3. Z

    Vexed 1.0 For Gp2x

    i have released Vexed v1.0 i think writing 'readme file' is harder than making games. so, dosen't include it. - :( you can get the vexed in Gpain web-site (here) i think you can understand awkward my english..... :) direct link - [download]