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  1. M

    Lambdarogue port?

    Why is this called "GameConsts"? It should be "Constants", except KidPaddle added something else. Typo? Edit: Ah. I see. Edit 2: I think such things should go into "BaseOutput.pas".
  2. M

    Lambdarogue port?

    I'll probably include some of your suggestions in 1.7.
  3. M

    Lambdarogue port?

    I usually start out with 1 package of Aspirin, go to the dungeon (levels 1 and 2), collect items and sell everything I find. Then buy more Aspirin, maybe some armour or better weapon, and go deeper (levels 3 to 5). In level 5, you have more traders, which sell Penicillin (which is better than...
  4. M

    Lambdarogue port?

    On a computer, this is a mouse over (like a tooltip) when the mouse hovers the status area in the upper left corner. There are also mouse overs for the action bar on the bottom of the screen. It's in the main loop where all the input events are catched: // Mouse Overs if Knoepfe = 0 then...
  5. M

    Lambdarogue port?

    Well, well, nice to see this port seems to work so far :) Thanks to all your work. Oh, by the way, I'm the original LR developer. ;) Actually not THAT crazy. Basically, the game uses console (ASCII) output. All graphics related stuff is basically a very simple terminal emulator, using a...