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  1. M

    Pandora improved SDL for pandora

    Yes thanks for testing it. (The missing text is due to me not being able getting pango to work yet.) Thanks for the hint I tried with the latest version and the glitches are gone.
  2. M

    Pandora improved SDL for pandora

    Thanks for the hint will give it a try. If it's reproducible I expect it to happen with the official release [1] as well. To be sure I also attached my Wesnoth executable, which works with the data files of the official release. [1] http://sourceforge.n...-1.pnd/download
  3. M

    Pandora improved SDL for pandora

    Hi I'm a Wesnoth developer without a Pandora and ran into an SDL glitch. I cross-compile my binaries with Ivanovic's toolchain and test the binaries with qemu-arm shipped with Debian Squeeze. When using the SDL shipped with the firmware and the toolkit all's fine. When testing with the...