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  1. E

    Pandora TV-Out - YUV or RCA Cables ?

    Hello everyone :) It feels like i havent been here in ages... And what do i see first ? The Pandora gets a successor :D   Is it still worth it to upgrade my beloved Box to a 1GHZ unit ?  Bot onto my main Question: My TV-Out cable finally arrived. I hooked the system up to two TVs...
  2. E

    Music over Bluetooth Headset

    Is there a way to listen to Music over a connected bluetooth Headset ? Im using the standart Gnome Player (dont know of any good alternative). Also, another question. Many Headphones have these little "media player controll" things for play/pause, next/prev etc, so you dont have to get out the...
  3. E

    Analog nubs stopped working on the desktop enviroment

    Good evening to everyone :) First things first: I am an absoute linux newbie and a got my pandora just a few weeks ago. So please answer as nob friendly as possible :P The title pretty much says it all. The nubs dont work on either the full desktop enviroment nor the mini menu anymore. The...
  4. E

    Pandora - Neuling sucht Rat und Aufklärung

    Hallo liebe Open Handheld Community. Schön zu euch gefunden zu haben :) lso, wie der Titel schon sagt bin ich rein zufällig in die "Scene" gestolpert und habe sofort einen Narren an diesen Geräten gefressen. Sowas hab ich ansich schon seit Jahren gesucht und nun endlich gefunden...naja, fast...