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  1. M

    What the hell?

    Whoa, stop the presses:
  2. M

    What the hell?

    This whole thing is giving me a headache. I just need the money to repair my son's car. You mean my son's account? He said he tried to contact you people but his posts weren't showing up.
  3. M

    What the hell?

    So what you guys are saying is that there's no good option? It's either "shut up and put up" or "fuck our shit up and cause more problems for everyone else"?
  4. M

    What the hell?

    What. I'm not shouting at anyone, I'm saying it how it is. Is there no way for me to get my money back without going through any legal processes?
  5. M

    What the hell?

    That's not really acceptable though, is it? This is all sounding really gorram fraudulent, "Oh hey, we're having problems with this and that but it'll all be okay in x time but lol we can't guarantee anything!" I just want my money back, after all this waiting I'd at least expect the decency...
  6. M

    What the hell?

    I've been trying to contact and I haven't received ANY REPLY for two weeks. What's wrong with your company? I can't even cancel my order and get a refund without waiting forever? I'll be contacting google checkout and, if need be, a lawyer soon if I do not receive...