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    Linux Question - root sign in

    To become root, do: sudo su - type in your normal user password when it asks. You'll then be root.
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    Which Sound API to use?

    For the C programmers, portaudio isn't too bad (it is what audacity uses), if you don't mind writing your own mixer, and if you do mind, then you can use portaudio + wwviaudio. Wwviaudio provides a very simple interface for audio. It is here:
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    Minimenu crashed.. .now what

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    Minimenu crashed.. .now what

    Ok, shutdown from minimenu seemed to work. Off to buy an SD card. -- steve
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    Minimenu crashed.. .now what

    And how do you turn this thing off? I tried (as root) /sbin/init 0, and it seemed to begin to shutdown, though doesn't shut down completely (still stuff on the screen). Taking the battery out does it. But then the instant you put the battery back in, it turns itself on. Is that normal?
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    Minimenu crashed.. .now what

    Can even ssh into the pandora, although it seems *incredibly* slow... got a shell prompt eventually, but can't type anything. Edit: actually, I can type. It just doesn't show up until several *minutes* have passed.
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    Minimenu crashed.. .now what

    Got wifi working. Switched to the xfce window manager (or whatever it's called) Now much more at home (looks more like the linux I'm used to.) Had to of course add the mac address into my router's filter table.
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    Minimenu crashed.. .now what

    Hmm. Don't know what I did, but after about 30 mins of fiddling around mashing buttons, minimenu came back very suddenly. (I was in the midst of trying to force a power off by holding the pandora button plus moving the power switch to the right -- just as I had previously tried about 20 times...
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    Minimenu crashed.. .now what

    So I just got my Pandora today (yay!) Off to a bit of a rocky start. First off, not sure how to get wifi working (ran iwconfig from terminal as root... looked ok, but not sure how to configure it.) But more worrying, minimenu died. I ran one of the programs under the network submenu...
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    Release Word War vi

    Cool. Note that whatever the Pandora's configuration is for the joysticks, you should be able to adapt word war vi to it via the ~/.wordwarvi/.exrc file. You can set the joystick device, and map the buttons and axes however you want that way. (Probably you already knew that.) Also mcobit...
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    Release Word War vi

    It occurs to me that the nub may already work with Word War vi, if the nub behaves like a "normal" linux joystick. There is a --joystick option to wordwar vi (see man page: ) and also see the section in the man page on the ~/.wordwarvi/exrc file...
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    Release Word War vi

    Cool! Thanks mcobit for making the video. Would it be alright if I posted this on, and on my blog? Also, how was the porting? What sorts of changes did you have to make? Were you able to get the Pandora's directional control pads (whatever they're called) to work with the...
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    Release Word War vi

    Monday...? Noooo, do it now, do it now. Monday's fine.
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    Release Word War vi

    Oh wow, I just found this thread by a little vanity googling, heh. I am the author of Word War vi. I'm glad you guys like it. I had for awhile seriously thought about getting a Pandora specifically in order to port this game to it, but I am super happy to find out that someone has beaten me...