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  1. J

    Where To Buy Actual Joysick Component...?

    Speaking of the joystick, stealing the thread a bit...have anyone read this? From , support/customer suggestion:
  2. J

    What Do You Look For In Rechargable Batteries?

    Read again, Ravnos ;) :)
  3. J

    Did You Know...?

    I think he meant "there are alternatives to (the linux implementation currently on the GP2X)" NOT "there are alternatives to (the linux implementation currently) on the GP2X" EDIT: i'm not making any sense B) As in there are other linux alternatives than the gp2x impementation, not there are...
  4. J


    Maybe it's better that a person with a gp2x answers this :), but a quick rundown of the two major problems: The cap seems unergonomical, it's convex and people slip and some even get soars. There is some solutions to this as the cap pops of easily and can be replaced, for example DaveC's...
  5. J

    Decreasing Boot Time

    As said before, linux does not "by nature" take long to boot. Just look at a router, gateway, or some other device with embedded linux. It all depends on what it does, not which operating system is used to do it.
  6. J

    Gph Clearing The Facts

    For what i have understood the screen protector that follows is just a plastic film with a red strap to pull it of with, like the ones one all new mobilephone screens, et.c... A screen protector nevertheless, but not the one you buy for long term use.
  7. J

    Sdio Card Product

    MMSP2 has support for USB host, but as far as we know it's NOT connected to anything (as in wired to anything hardware-wise)
  8. J

    Well, Did I Make A Mistake?

    Does anyone have any more info on this?, maybe someone can translate?
  9. J Information Update

    Ok, maybe old news...but I hadn't read information about the bug fixed anywhere else, just thought i'd enlight someone and make use of my restless ravaging around gp2x-sites :rolleyes:
  10. J Information Update

    I thought this would interest someone: My german knowledge is next to none nowadays...long time since german in school ;) But i get the idea of it, and it's good news!
  11. J

    GP2X Text Entry Idea + Prototype App

    Ok, i'm clueless here so bear with me for a while. :rolleyes: I don't know either if this already has been done/thought of, or if its possible. But could it be possible to have some kind of input-"plugin"-system? Where you can use your favourite flavour of text input like the ones discussed...
  12. J


    2h 5min for a average movie? :P But yeah i get your point...and thats 4 movies per card, opposed to declarations 10+ movies My music are about 1mb/min, does that really suffice for movies? While on the subject, does anybody know if Gp2x is capable of h.264 encoded movies, i noticed better...
  13. J


    In what kind of quality is that? Like 300kbit/s for video and Audio? Do you have an example of such clip? ...And it's not my intention of acting like a dick, I have tried to get good quality and low bitrate when encoding, I'm really interested in seing it work. Maybe h.264?
  14. J

    Toucpad/trackball Attached?

    This is the way i have understood it: USB could maybe support host mode if we had drivers and programs supportting it and some way to power devices. Gp2x, as is, DON'T support host mode, and no software in it supports it. I also read something about host mode would be usb 1.1 as usb 2.0...
  15. J

    Toucpad/trackball Attached?

    i don't understand your is the same as serial port, as in serial ports on computers
  16. J

    Toucpad/trackball Attached?

    you misread :) EXT has not anything to do with usb EXT is the port the tv-out cable connects to
  17. J

    Toucpad/trackball Attached?

    No EXT can support unpowered devices...i think people are a little used to the usb host/powered/unpowered posts always getting posted. ;). I have to admit i read it like another one of those first ^_^
  18. J

    Shipping Will Be Around Nov 11th

    what i wan't to know is when will shipping of following batches occur, for us sorry souls not in the first batch ^_^
  19. J

    Shipping Will Be Around Nov 11th

    From so looking good for first batch...
  20. J

    GP2X Text Entry Idea + Prototype App

    I was thinking along the same lines lying awake brooding the other night! :rolleyes: But i think t9 may be unnessesary work, mostly since you have quick access to 36 possibilities (9*4, 9th is neutral direction). I was thinking something like middle direction (neutral) of stick + A, B, X, Y...