Search results

  1. Borax

    No CA Certificate, no University Internet?

    Howdy, guys! I finally got my little buddy back from ED about a month ago, and everything's been aces, save for one thing that's been an issue the whole time. My university has a solid wireless internet connection, PAL, that's available in every building on campus. The problem is, I'm having...
  2. Borax

    Shipment/Repair Status on Pandora?

    Hello, ED! Hope this is the right place to put this, but the wait and mystery have been killing me. I shipped my poor, pink-tinted, mono-sound, powerless Pandora to you way back in February for repairs, and have yet to hear anything about how things are going. Specifically, whether it...
  3. Borax

    Neither Right Speaker Nor Right Headphone Outputting Sound!

    Howdy, Pandora forums! I've got a bit of a problem, here. A few days ago I'd noticed that my Pandora was no longer outputting sound to my right headphone while walking about campus and using Deadbeef. Nowadays I mainly output all sound to headphones, and thought my pair was simply failing...