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  1. Valpskott

    Terminological inquiry/survey: How shall we refer to the OS and its versions?

    A lot of thoughts while reading this thread. First a bad suggestion cause my OSD brain won't let me drop it... PandOS - At least it shortens things up. Other than that... maybe I've misunderstod things, but... my first update was Zaxxon 5... now, when people use the term "Zaxxon 6" I'm...
  2. Valpskott

    Cracked Charger Input

    I got 3 year electrical training in school(one year spent soldering exercises), but that was 13 years ago, since then I've only soldered a couple of guitar pickups which arn't too sensitive to heat. So I think I'll make my father do it, his soldering iron has a finer tip and he solders...
  3. Valpskott

    Cracked Charger Input

    Yeah, so my Pandora stopped recharging. Opened it up and saw that the input(where you insert the charger) had broken off from the board. I found out that I can charge via mini-USB, which work. So, I wanted to know how safe/unsafe it is to solder the input back on the board? There is a...
  4. Valpskott

    Directory deletions?

    Hmmmmmm... now I'm wondering what the other directories are doing there... cause most(all others) are empty. Thank you for your reply :)
  5. Valpskott

    Directory deletions?

    Backstory: My SD-card was acting up, so, every time I inserted it, it got a new name, I suspect this resulted in that there are some directorier under /media/ that just isn't nessesary anymore. This is my listing: card cf DD hdd mmc1 Nellie net ram realroot union Valp32...
  6. Valpskott

    GBA Favourites

    Metroid Zero mission Metroid Fusion Zelda: Minish Cap The Sims: Bustin Out The Sims 2 Astroboy: Omega Factor And yeah, all 3 Castlevanias!
  7. Valpskott

    Game Editor

    Just noticed this thread... do someone have any up to date info about this? How well is it working? Is there sound support on Pandora? OpenGL(ES) Acceleration? I just got a cool indie type game/interactive story idea yesterday, so just checked here if there where any guides on how to start...
  8. Valpskott

    Port Requests

    Dang, I was so sure I had tried SSHFS on the Pandora and that it didn't work... perhaps I got confused over time since ssh-copy-id didn't work and later remembered it incorrectly. Anyway, thank you for your persistence! I have now succesfully mounted my NAS on my Pandora :) Gotta try dropbear...
  9. Valpskott

    Port Requests

    Hehe, yeah, I know how to sshfs from the terminal(I do it daily), I was asking if someone could port sshfs to the Pandora, but thank you for your willingness to help :) And yeah, my NAS is a computer running a linux server which gets a static IP from the router... I have most of my computers...
  10. Valpskott

    Port Requests

    I figured dropbear worked the other way around(mount the Pandora from other locations). So, how do I go about mounting remote locations on my Pandora then?
  11. Valpskott

    Port Requests

    Ahh, thanks for the Tip! I'll check out dropbear SSH Server when I come home from work. I'm a gnome fan boy myself, but do all my SSH mounts with terminal commands. But do the dropbear server autostart each time one boots the Pandora? (Like open ssh server)... or do I have to start it manually...
  12. Valpskott

    Port Requests

    2 requests! sshfs - Secure SHell File System... that is, mount a location of an SSH-server as a directory on the Pandora, which would make copying files easier(no need to take out the SD-card)... with it I'd have my 2 terrabyte-NAS to my disposal on my pandora! :D Every time I have to copy...
  13. Valpskott

    Release Super Geometry Dust

    Possible bug... Scenario: As the lame ass gamer I am, I downclocked the pandy all the way down to 125 mhz. And I hadn't yet figured out what buttons to use to release the 2 types of bombs. By the time I got the powered up lasers, I noticed that the bullets spawns further and further away...
  14. Valpskott

    Super Mario 64 = black screen

    Ahh, I should probably check back when the problem is fixed(and leave a report).... which it now is. I deleted the Mario 64 Rom and copied a new copy over to the SD-card (just as TrashyMG suggested). And it fixed the problem... now I can play Mario 64 again :D I had previously shuffled the...
  15. Valpskott

    Some suggestions

    Haha, did you read my initial post? I could have been more clear, but I never mentioned fire/bomb or any other in game buttons.... the only thing I proposed was a standard for the emulator menu, like a button to acess it and buttons for navigating the emu-menu.
  16. Valpskott

    Some suggestions

    Hmm, I think that I at least tried to be clear on the point that I was not trying to force developers to use the Standard. "that would mean only letting in programs that obey the rules" isn't at all what I was going for. The standard I was proposing should at it's peak only be a recomendation or...
  17. Valpskott

    Some suggestions

    Too sad, the Pandora would benefit from a standard. Something just sprang to mind... if Emus started using a file called menubuttons.txt in the Pandora directory(check if present, if not, write file SD-card/Pandora/menubuttons.txt). Then we wouldn't really need a consensus on what the buttons...
  18. Valpskott

    My ideas for changes to the way apps work.

    I welcome a third choice... I'd really like to see some new GUI, more flashy and more animated. Controlled only with the D-pad and ABXY buttons. Was it the Canoe(spelling) that had that scrolling weel thingie? I wan't something like that. Cause Minimenu just doesn't look to fancy, and XFCE as an...
  19. Valpskott

    Some suggestions

    First of all. Is there any Suggestions section on this forum, if there are, then please move this thread there :) If there isn't, then make one :) Secondly, I found an app the other day named PNDstore... Real great app, this should be in Hotfix 6 and forward. And see to it that all/most of...
  20. Valpskott

    Super Mario 64 = black screen

    Yeah, as I said in the original post, I downloaded 3 diffrent versions of Mupen(after the problem occured), deleted both the PND and the Mupen-directories in appdata(on the SD card) before installing a new Mupen PND(and I tried all 3 PND:s by this method of deleting before installing). It...