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  1. theshining

    Right, let's start recovering this?

    I haven't been on the forum for a bit I got bored with wading through endless griping, but anyway I noticed a post in either this thread or the "The Current Situation" thread, where someone mentioned (it may have been ED) that classic preorderers with Craig's shop could transfer over to Ed's...
  2. theshining

    Classic, non-upgraded preorders / Current status page?

    Well, this has degenerated into a bit of a slanging match, and no answer to the op's question what's so hard about that?. I'm not hating on the Pandora project, or the OPT for that matter, I'm a second batch preorderer (August 2010), and have absolutely no intention of upgrading or cancelling...
  3. theshining

    Adventures in Enlightenment

    Enlightement is deeply pretty, I run it on my eeepc 701 4gb, (bodhi linux) and find it much easier to use than kde4, but nothing in my humble opinion is as truly usable as xfce 4.10 for everyday use, so I can see why the OPT went with it.
  4. theshining

    Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds

    Our beloved hero, He's getting to be quite the pantomime dame, at least he didn't tell anyone to kill themselves this time, wonder what he would think of the Pandora?.
  5. theshining

    UK - what magazines should we advertise in

    Well you get mentions in Linux format so advertising there would be a no brainer, plus of course you'd be preaching to the converted, retrogamer another must, but I only pick it up if there's an interesting article in it. My suggestion would be something like MarioPandio said, outside of work...
  6. theshining

    How much more until the first batch is fininshed shipped? 2008 order here.

    Out of curiosity, when did you order LineOf7's?, as I'm coming up to two years now and I know there's people who've been waiting longer than me.
  7. theshining

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    Product3 !!, what have I missed?, and a big thumbs up to the silvered case ED, bound to be harder to lose than a black one.
  8. theshining

    the golden Pandora has arrived

    Solid Gold! brilliant!
  9. theshining

    The Pirate Bay offers workaround in UK

    A little link to The Register, in response to the OP, Mr Dabbs explains how this law has been hijacked and confused FUD!, there are many other example's in The Register archive concerning big content providers, their dealings with politicians, (the prince of darkness & david geffin), and how...
  10. theshining

    The Pirate Bay offers workaround in UK

    Sony my insane trackpad (thanks xubuntu!), just opened up your warning link, do you get stock options or what? :lol: out of interest, and after seeing your's I looked at my sad profile, and you've friended me you crazeee antipodean you, well cheers for that!
  11. theshining

    The Pirate Bay offers workaround in UK

    I read the article when it appeared on the pirate bay, and they don't really tell you anything, TPB says use "tor", or a "vpn", fair enough!, but these apps only mask your ip address, if as the court ruling said last week that BT, talktalk etc had to block access to TPB, for UK internet users...
  12. theshining

    any official news?

    Also dragon's nest on & or guard piles of gold/treasure, like smaug, kidnap damsels etc, ED by his own admission has a girlfriend, suspicious I THINK SO, send for a knight in shining armour immediatley or Daenerys Targaryen. I knew it was a dungeon fortress thankyou TrashyMG/Lego, (how frakkin...
  13. theshining

    any official news?

    I know it's not your main job, I didn't realise you package & ship the Pandora's yourself, that's gotta be pretty time consumng, have you no minions who could toil for you?, (imagines ooompa loompas hard at it in ED's dungeon fortress).
  14. theshining

    any official news?

    That's not too shabby ED especially as you didn't mention anything about rejects, I take it by "big batches" you mean the 250 units per week that were mentioned when production moved to Germany, will you be able to handle that many?, or will there be less work for you to do as I seem to remember...
  15. theshining

    Pandora Backgrounds

    Well Prometheus is a busy beaver, liked the black & white 2 wallpaper, the 2months one made me chuckle
  16. theshining

    As a self confessed Film geek I thought I'd seen it all..

    It just wont be anything like as good as Iron Maiden's Flight 666.
  17. theshining

    [SOLVED] Bible App

    While you're at it can someone do a theme for angstrom, a bit like this would be nice:-
  18. theshining

    Worst Company in America Bracket 2012

    oooohh!, Handbags at dawn ED.
  19. theshining

    Pandora Review in Linux Format.

    Hey that's the second time the Pandora has been in LXF, is someone there on first name terms with OPT?, also I ordered my Pandora just before the first write up came out, so I must be due mine by now. Not a bad score 7/10, they even say Angstrom "is a distro you'll soon come to appreciate"
  20. theshining

    Hey, whats OpenPandora doing on this page?

    I've got a burning question, who is this person?, and where did they get a pandora from?, lucky sod!