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  1. G

    Some Changes In Gp32Spain Wiz Contest

    Few moments ago total prize amount has reached 2000 € (currently 2005)!
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    Some Changes In Gp32Spain Wiz Contest

    I'm really surprised, it seems this contest has no effect in gp32x community :( I think the prizes are very good.
  3. G

    Scared To Order Wiz....

    At least wait gp32spain contest results (around august) because it can be somehow a sotware explosion for the device :)
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    Some Changes In Gp32Spain Wiz Contest

    Does anyone plan to take part in this contest?
  5. G

    I Really Hope Someone Will Make A New Version Of Nes Gpfce

    Perhaps you have good luck with the gp32spain Wiz contest :)
  6. G

    Gp32Spain - Wiz Gp2X Programming Contest

    Great! Another Wiz contest. I hope it would create a lot of new good stuff.
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    Which Sound Library To Use?

    I would use SFML, it has everything you would need :)
  8. G

    Portable Languages

    It would be great to see a binding of javascript for SDL o SFML. It would get a lot of curious web developers. There is the Firefox's javascript engine if someone wants to try ;)
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    New Open Source Api

    I'm glad to see you here, Laurent. This time I'm sure you are the SFML creator and not another French Laurent :D
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    Nss Engine And Game Editor

    Sounds very, very good! I have a small idea: a remake of Shadow Dancer (Mega Drive version) using 3D graphics, something like Duke Nukem Manhattan project. Would it be possible to do with your engine? Thanks in advance :)
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    Pandora Hardware Debug Support On Pandora

    Hey Laurent, I'm glad to see you here. Bienvenu! (if I correctly deduced you are the SFML creator :D)
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    3d Engines ?

    md2 files were ok 10 years ago, but nowadays they suck horribly :ph34r:
  13. G

    New Open Source Api

    This library rocks, I have seen its api and is really nice and simple. What's the problem with the link with the openGL? :huh:
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    Nss Engine And Game Editor

    Outstading! This is what needs Pandora, a free and easy game creation environment :D
  15. G

    Directx Mobile

    Efegea, you look familiar to me... Are you from stratos-ad forums? That winelib sounds very good, I will look it :)
  16. G

    Directx Mobile

    Ok :D
  17. G

    Directx Mobile

    It isn't just the Direct3D wrapper, it is also DirectSound, DirectInput and the more important Direct3DX with its various image format loading, optimized math functions, etc.
  18. G

    Directx Mobile

    Hi! I am looking for this project some months ago, and all I can say is: keep working and finish the machine soon! :D My question is: will Pandora have support for DirectX Mobile? And, does anybody know what is the current status of DirectX Mobile library (discontinnued, in good health...
  19. G

    GP32 Sdl And C++

    Hi! Thank you very very much for your help, Muffinman! I'll try it this weekend :D
  20. G

    GP32 Sdl And C++

    Hi, thank you all for your replies, but I want to use C++ with SDL, not with other SDK. I knew that C++ can be used to program the GP32 with mirko's SDK, for example. Nobody has experience with SDL + C++? :(