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  1. J

    Omap 3440 / Cortex-a8 Documentation ?

    Thank you all for the suggestions and links. I must admit I was impressed anyone answered, few communities are this helpful. Yep, we're already in talks to sign an NDA, but it is for the OMAP 1611. From an 'Electrical Eng' point of view we expect it to be very similar, however we recently...
  2. J

    Omap 3440 / Cortex-a8 Documentation ?

    I am doing an EE senior project with some other dudes on the OMAP 3440. We plan to implement a few things like a CMOS camera and ethernet over USB, the last of which was actually requested somewhere around here. We'll gladly contribute any code we make. We're going to get an OMAP 3440 dev board...