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  • Users: RiX0R
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  1. R

    The Inefficiency Of Firefox

    Maxthon is great! It has two features I've become so addicted to I can't do without anymore: one is double-clicking to close a tab, and the other is that the buttons on the "quicklinks bar" (for lack of a better name) open a new tab by default. I won't even consider Firefox until it can do both...
  2. R

    Laws Against Stupidity/ignorance Don't Work

    You can't have topic titles in all caps. Try it: the board will titlecase them. An announcement would be better AND get rid of the stickies.
  3. R

    What Does Your Ocd Do To You?

    I always scrape my butter very flatly and very evenly... and it annoys me when other people use my butter and stick their knives straight down in it, making large canyons and messing up the surface. (Shit I really don't know how to explain myself in English very well...)
  4. R

    Anagramise Your Own Name

    "I rub rich Joes"
  5. R

    GP2X Sqlite3 Database Engine On Gp2x

    Yeah sqlite is fantastic! But I can't think think of an application one'd need it for though (at least not right now)
  6. R Is For Sale!

    It's not hando's (or anybody's) info. Check out the WHOIS record: the only details you see are those of the REGISTRAR (which is the agency at which he registered the domain). The only thing you see about the REGISTRANT (which is the owner, should be hando then but could be anybody) is the...
  7. R

    The Most Depressing Exam Ever...

    We've also had to do this on occassion. Imho it's not a big problem... mistakes like forgetting a semicolon (bwah) or a brace (slightly worse) can easily be forgiven if the code shows that you get the general gist. Other errors like variable declarations... you can just as easily write type...
  8. R


    Why do you do the directory listing? Isn't that gonna take a long time, before it actually ever even gets to the sync?
  9. R

    Vnc And Passworded Directories

    Passwords on folders is unenforcable, but password-protecting the entire unit (via a startup script) is feasible. It would only prevent casual misuse though, because a thief can always reflash the device of course.
  10. R

    Quick Usb Question

    There's a single "block" with 4 pins. Can't you just bend it back?
  11. R

    Linux Distros

    Oh no not that again!
  12. R


    Confirmed, v0.2 does flicker, albeit a lot less than 0.1. I'm seeing it right now on the character class selection screen. The flicker isn't as bad as it used to be; the top half of the screen flickers every 2 seconds or so. Also, is there an efficient way of dropping multiple items? F. ex. I...
  13. R

    Mocca On Firmware 2.0.0

    It may be that Mocca's black-screen-o-death protection is interfering with FW 2.0's auto-relaunch feature. My GP2x was out of order for a while, but I have it back now so I'll look into it. And yeah, development has ceased a bit on it; I was aiming for a big UI rewrite but it will take more...
  14. R


    Why certainly. B -> select letter X -> erase letter (already there) start -> done select -> select default, but without confirming, so you can review If you want to add different character sets (capitals, symbols, ...), I would use maybe use L and R to page through them, BUT intensive use may...
  15. R


    My report (based on a few minutes of playing, having no experience with nethack): The "name chooser" is not very intuitive. I know the correct buttons are listed below it, but using "b" to select a letter would be much more intuitive. I think the emerging standard for GP2x interfaces is: B ->...
  16. R

    Fw 2.0 Features...

    I have Windows XP SP 2 and this aborts with the specified file is not found. Of course it very helpfully does not specify WHICH file could not be found. Can someone confirm or deny this issue?
  17. R

    Communication Between 920 And 940

    You have a padding byte too much in there :P. If you can't rely on atomic writes you should probably switch to synchronization primitives. If you're running under Linux, you can probably use a critical section/mutex/semaphore or whatnot. If not a pair of booleans in shared memory should do the...
  18. R

    GP2X Any Developers Interested In A Game Project?

    GP2xForge should be back up; my IP was changed while I was on vacation, so that's why you couldn't reach it. All fixed now though.
  19. R

    Cool Games To Port

    There's no D compiler for ARM (afaik), so no such luck. And the D compiler is closed source (also afaik), so no chance of hacking around with it (by us or any other hackers with too much spare time on their hands).
  20. R

    Group Game Project

    Whee, great to see everybody likes the pinball idea :). Pinball tables are usually much longer than they are wide. The GP2x seems ideally suited for that kind of play if we tilt it sideways. I was thinking of using START/B for the flippers (or maybe SELECT/A). But I'm a bit concerned that it...