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  1. J

    Gp32 Blu+ 166mhz 4 Sale On Ebay!!

    shut up you fuck it's just a bonus you don't pay for the roms you pay for the gamepark its people like you that make me really understand serial killers
  2. J

    Gp32 Blu+ 166mhz 4 Sale On Ebay!!

    Hello all, I Have decided to sell my BLU+ gp32_console and it is currently listed on eBay. Here is the link to check it out or bid: CLICK HERE TO SEE THE GP32 It is in mint condition and has hardly been played... :D Here is everything I am including with the sale. Included w/ unit is: 2 SMC...
  3. J

    What's Your Computer System

    I just got my new XPS Gen 2 gamming laptop from dell and i figured i would list my specs and then see how it compares to what everyone else has. so here they are: Full specs Processor Processor type Pentium M Clock speed 2 GHz Processor manufacturer Intel RAM RAM installed size 1 GB RAM...
  4. J

    Where To Buy A Adapter For Endless Gaming

    If you live in the USA you can go to your local radio shack and ask for a 3v/500mA ac adapter with an "A" type plug. Its about $15 and it's white so it matches the gp32_console pretty well. Just make sure when you getit and plug in the "A" type plug align the word "tip" on the cord with the...
  5. J

    Subject For A New Original Rpg.

    Why Not? I researched this program and i do believe its possible... Anythings possible i'm sure there's someone out there that's smart enough and can help me figure it out. There's a lot of people on this board that are quick to say "you can't do that" and "thats not possible" isn't the point...
  6. J

    Subject For A New Original Rpg.

    I've been told it can... but i there are other pptions i can take too so we'll just have to see unless someone tells me otherwise.
  7. J

    Subject For A New Original Rpg.

    Ok I purchased the program and everthing that i'm going to use to begine writing the RPG. It cost about $60 and it looks like this is going to be one hell of an excellent RPG. If anyone wants to help with the cost you can donate any amount to via PayPal. It would be very much...
  8. J

    My Rf Link On Sale On Ebay

    ok i got rid of it thanks to everyone who was interested please lock or delete this post to the Mod Gods up in heaven if they are listening
  9. J

    Subject For A New Original Rpg.

    I'm a huge RPG fan and I have noticed that there are not many for the gp32_console ... Not original ones that is so I have decided to program one myself and the distribute it here. But I'm not sure what the basis for it should be so I made a poll so you can help me decide. Let me know what you...
  10. J

    New Trend

    We better be careful or he will send one of his car bombs after us... Hey here is an idea for a game... You drive a car loaded with copious amounts of explosives and see how close to the army base you can get before it blows... The closer the more people die thus more points! I can't program so...
  11. J

    What Can't It Do?

    I don't know if this is the right place for this but i was looking around the boards and couldn't find any answers. So what can't the gp32_console do? Just what are it's limitations? N64, Playstation, Gamecube? I have a Blu+ and it definitly out performs my GBA SP and seems to be faster and more...
  12. J

    My Rf Link On Sale On Ebay

    My RF link didn't sell even at only $5.00.... So anyone out there that is interested in buying it just send me a personal message... Thanks
  13. J

    Best Rpg Ever

    FFI is lacking but the port to the GBA is much better... good luck finding the GBA version though... II - VI are excellent and so are VII and VIII but those were playstation games....
  14. J

    My Rf Link On Sale On Ebay

    I'm selling my GP32 RF-Link on eBay.... Brand New Never Been Used in Oringinal Package... Only $5.00 to start check it out... !!HERE!!
  15. J

    Where Have All The Zelda's Gone?

    The other day i was looking to get most of the zelda roms because i was in the hyrule mood... But what i found was a note from the ISDA or somthing saying that the Zelda games are protected. Does anyone know where i can get them? And what is the ISDA anyway?
  16. J

    Name Your Marital Status

    I just got to thinking i'm the only married guy on this thing but then i figured i'd do a poll to find out. I am married to a girl... but i am mormon which means i can always marry a couple more....
  17. J

    What is your avatar of?

    Samus of course... she is a girl but if she was a real girl i bet she could kick my ass.
  18. J

    Where Do You Live?

    Heart of "Mormon Country" Spainsh Fork, Utah about an hour south of that big ocean in the middle of the mountians... The Great Salt Lake
  19. J

    Best Rpg Ever

    Haha Yeah that sort of puts a damper on things when you can't follow the story line...
  20. J

    Gp32 Newbie Website

    Excellent idea.. helps prevent us newbies from getting flamed when they ask a fairly simple question but don't know where to look for the answer. GP32Start or something like that would make a nice url... I had problems finding one area that had all the info I needed when I was researching buying...