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  1. K

    Gp32x T-shirts

    wow, i want them both!! :rolleyes:
  2. K

    [gbc] Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons

    Cool review! I have got oracle of ages on the GBC but i still havent completed it for some reason, this one sounds pretty good so ill try it out! :P
  3. K

    Which Console To Buy?

    I'd agree again with the 166 MHz BLU, im still on a FLU at the moment but that does the job fine! :D
  4. K

    Mslug32x, Two Complete Levels, 99% Speed!

    :lol: nooooooooo you got me!! nice little trick :P
  5. K

    [GBC] Mary Kate And Ashley: Get A Clue!

    That was an interesting review, it was pretty funny :lol: I agree at how annoying the twins are!! They have dolls of themselves, how annoying <_< I gotta see that game now, to witness how bad it is :D
  6. K

    Won't Be Posting Much From Now On, Maybe Not Ever.

    :( No way, poor u, anyway best wishes with getting better!! :D
  7. K

    Holiday Gretings!

    Happy easter to everybody!! cool you've been to Austria, I'm going ski'ing in Austria at this place called Saalbach on the first of April, can't wait! :D
  8. K

    I-c3 Rechargeable Batteries

    WOW, long life then! :rolleyes: I've been thinking about getting rechargables for ages but I haven't got round to buying them. Nice review by the way, I'll have a look at these. :D
  9. K


    It's a cool idea I think and the screen is big for the photos but I couldn't really imagine it and going around with the gp32_console taking pictures might look a bit dodgy to some people :lol: Phones are ok for taking photos anyway, in my opinion. Could be good though :D
  10. K

    Schools These Days. Tut Tut Tut

    Hee hee, fairly odd parents is great! but maybe they don't show it in Canada which is where 'Esn' is located. :)
  11. K

    Top 10 Film's Ever!

    I like subtitles, it helps a lot with some films like I used it with all three parts of the Godfather for helping with knowing what was happening and obviously helps a hell of a lot when you're watching a foreign language film :lol: , but dubbing is extremely annoying, it's horrible!! B)
  12. K

    Gp32 Emulation Which One

    I have to agree that MAME is my favourite emulator, oooh it's nice. My second favourite would be Drmd, I need to try version 2.0 though, I haven't used it yet! :D
  13. K

    Annoyed Woman.

    I know what you mean, done out of annoyance I suppose (must be real angry) :unsure:
  14. K

    Gp32. Ugly Or Sweet Sexy Hottie?

    I am also a victim of loads of people gazing at it, in school or out and then interupting play by asking me if it is a 'game boy' or a 'new game boy', it gets annoying, kinda funny though :lol: . When I first recieved my GP32 I thought it looked quite horrible, one reason was the frame around...
  15. K

    Annoyed Woman.

    It is true that the majority of GP32 users are male, it's mainly a male thing (obviously it isn't unnatural for a female to like it aswell :rolleyes: ). I'm sure he didn't mean any offense to you although he could have kept his thoughts inside. :)
  16. K


    I like playing 'Tecmo Baseball' for the NES. :P 'World series baseball' on the Genesis looks good but I don't know yet, I'm gonna try it out now! :D
  17. K

    Happy St.patricks Day!

    Happy St.Patricks Day! (for 4 days ago!) Celebrating in style I read, the welsh don't celebrate the St Davids day like that! (well I haven't notice anyone) :D
  18. K

    Ooh, This Is Nasty

    It definitely would be a good game to have on the GP although i'm kinda rubbish at it, cool game! :D
  19. K

    Top 10 Film's Ever!

    Akira, Princess Mononoke, Happy Gilmore, Basil the great mouse detective, Blue streak, The Godfather Trilogy (all three), Goodfellas, Fantasia. (There are loads more but these are ten of them, not in any order) :rolleyes:
  20. K

    John Delorean Dead, Aged 80

    ^^ fair enough :rolleyes: . I'm not keen on the car but I like the doors! :D