umm no I didn't threaten anything, I got it a couple months late. They wanted to send me the best one (all the bugs and stuff fixed) but I said I didn't care so they sent it to me anyways. GPH is pretty reliable I think, cause I had to return my gp2x to them to fix the heaphones and they fixed...
Get some skullcandys they are really nice headphones. REALLY NICE! I have just about every pair and I would say the GI or the TI are the best. GI has more bass then TI but TI has a bit more clarity but not much bass. They are both good though.
Skullcandy's Site
Anybody try Xenogears yet? I would but I'm too lazy to rip mine and I never bothered to look what I need to do. If no one has I may just try it myself.
Well my friend bought one so me and him are probably the only ones in this city with ones and know what they are (excluding the fact that I had to tell people what it was). I'ms till trying to get my other friend to get one but she's to content with her PSP she got for christmas. <_<
umm I think I read that 2GB sd cards don't work with 1.2.0 and they may have fixed it (maybe) in 1.2.1. I could be wrong about both though. I say just wait until the next firmware to update.
Well I got a wrist starp and case with my GP2x but I also got mine free from GPH. One thing I can tell you is you aren't missing out on anything though the wrist strap comes with a pretty cool screen cleaner thing. But other than that the case is pretty basic and you can easily make a wrist...
Well my joystick was kinda wierd like the left and right would be Up-Right for Right and Down-Left for left. Twisted the stick and fixed it a bit but I still want to know where the program that lets you test out the joystick. I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Can someone with the newest firmware try an A-Data 2GB card. That's all I've got and I don't have my GP2X yet cause I don't want to get it if my card doesn't work.
Well unfortunately I fell alseep, I dunno when it was so I don't know how many hours I got. It was boring that's why I fell asleep, I just need something to entertain me.
Well I haven't talked much in the off topic since my last debut and some of you may remember that it was when I was trying to see how long I could stay awake (68 hours mind you). But anyways the point I'm getting at is I'm going to do it again and beat that record because I'm bored and waiting...
Any of the battles in Call of Duty or Call of Duty 2. Also the battles with the bugs from Starship Troopers Game were pretty awesome, hundreds of bugs just coming after you.
Actually 42 isn't the meaning of life it's "The Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything." What is the meaning of life, is a completely different question.
First of all you are monitored by a computer that picks up certain keywords, and if thoughs keywords are triggered it raises a flag that makes you be monitored more closely.
Second, a lot more people than the government are monitoring you internet activity, for instance your ISP. Infact a lot...
Personally I don't think it should really matter unless you've got something you want to hide. When they are "spying" on the telephone calls it technically only searches for "terrorist activities." It's not like they are trying to find out every little detail about you down to the "ring of fire...
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