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  1. Puck2099

    Has Gph Closed?

    Hello, As I can see, all GPH websites but FunGP aren't working, it looks like they haven't renewed their domains... It looks quite weird and it is a surprise for me... Does anyone know if there is any problem with GPH or they are just preparing a new website (maybe for a new handheld)? Regards.
  2. Puck2099

    How High Does Your Wiz Clock?

    Almost nothing, you feel it a bit hot, but these are being some hot days in Spain...
  3. Puck2099

    How High Does Your Wiz Clock?

    My Wiz: Frecuency: 800 Mhz Life time: 6:20:00
  4. Puck2099

    New Games Launching

    It's a good idea for Lady Killers' one :lol:
  5. Puck2099

    Emulation Potential Of The Wiz

    Mmm, maybe, I used the one included in last MAME4ALL (I think it is your last version because Franxis told me that it worked correctly), but I didn't notice any difference, so probably I'm doing something bad. I should try it with the serial cable to see the output, but I'm quite busy this week...
  6. Puck2099

    Emulation Potential Of The Wiz

    AlexKidd2X runs also faster on GP2X than Wiz... I hope it would be because of the mmuhack and ram timmings not used correctly on Wiz version. EDIT: Anyway, it runs full speed on Wiz, I mean underclocking Wiz to <200 Mhz.
  7. Puck2099

    Does Usb Host In Wiz Work?

    Thanks for the info Squidge. My idea was to use the ethernet-usb in order to access from my laptop (which doesn't have serial port and the usb-rs232 I bought doesn't work with Wiz :( ), but anyway your idea would be great to avoid ejecting/inserting the SD card each time I compile something...
  8. Puck2099

    Does Usb Host In Wiz Work?

    Hi, I've been trying to connect some devices to the Wiz using the USB port in the "dev board", but trying "dmesg" from the serial doesn't show any change... Have anyone achieved to make it work? My idea is to connect an Ethernet-USB dongle and, once detected by the Wiz, compile the kernel...
  9. Puck2099

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Totally agree with you.
  10. Puck2099

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Fenix new 16 bpp tests: GP2X@200 Mhz test1a: 85-100 fps test1b: 60-66 fps test1c: 141-153 fps test1d: 61-67 fps test2a: 72 fps test2b: 66 fps test3: 23-30 fps test4: 34 fps WIZ@528 Mhz test1a: 154-172 fps test1b: 115-124 fps test1c: 204 fps test1d: 121-132 fps test2a: 140 fps test2b: 126 fps...
  11. Puck2099

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    I've changed Wiz clock to 200 Mhz as well as 650 Mhz without any problem ;)
  12. Puck2099

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Wowowowowowow, I have just got it correctly :lol: I've found the problem (I'm playing with Pollux registers), I'll write them a mail with the solution :) I'm quite happy because I've spent all the day finding the way to access 8 bpp mode (I'm implementing a low hardware access library like...
  13. Puck2099

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    I've changed some things and added direct hardware controls (like on GP2X), but I still haven't got to show 8 bpp correctly... did you achieved that?
  14. Puck2099

    Alexkidd2x V0.6

    That is normal, think that in a real Game Gear that "extra screen" isn't visible, so many coders didn't take care to show any useful there in their games. Regards
  15. Puck2099

    Splash Png Crashes Game

    Please, build me a "crash package" for Fenix and another one for uFenix in order to test both of them :) Thanks
  16. Puck2099

    Splash Png Crashes Game

    Mmm, I'll take a look as soon as possible to splash screen code and try to get your crashes. By the way, does it happen only with F200 or also F100? Regards
  17. Puck2099

    Alexkidd2x V0.4 Available :)

    Better download v0.6 ;)
  18. Puck2099

    Exult 1.2 Rc3

    Mmmm, I don't understand you... do you mean to do the click pushing A or B button? If you mean that, it's possible since the first version...
  19. Puck2099

    Exult Touchscreen Version

    Hi, As usual, I wrote another new here as well as in GP32Spain, but it looks that there isn't any moderator available to accept it... Another download link: Regards