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  1. B

    Frodo Kills Smc. Be Careful...

    I tried twice so save a snapshot with Frodo Beta10. Both times from Impossible Mission, both times I ended up with an "unformatted" SMC. Haven´t tried Beta11 yet, but I would suggest to have a Backup of your card before using the snapshot-function...
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    Rlyeh Needs Your Feedback!

    I know you did not want to hear "make faster"-requests, but I would really like to see fcol32 to be made slower as it is almost unplayable fast for most games... If it comes close to original CBS-Speed, this would be a very close to perfection emulator...
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    Frodo: Impossible Mission Possible?

    Many thanks. One happy day for me... "ANOTHER VISITOR... STAY A WHILE... STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY FOREVER!" :D
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    Frodo: Impossible Mission Possible?

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! Thank you very much. When I installed Frodo, I found the frodo.fxe first, copied it over and just did not see the frodopc.fxe. It works perfectly now, and I´m really HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY :D btw: Does anyone know what exactly is the...
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    Frodo: Impossible Mission Possible?

    FrodoPC? Must have missed something... :blink:
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    More Oc-options, Please...

    Holla... I had no luck with my BLU. I know, Overclocking is only supported up to 133Mhz, but as several people report successful tries with 166Mhz or even more, I was full of hope. Well, while LikSang states that the BLU can be overclocked to 166Mhz out of the box, mine of course can not...
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    Frodo: Impossible Mission Possible?

    What I was looking for most when ordering my GP32 was playing my All-Time-Favorite "Impossible Mission" on Frodo. I tried several disk- and tape-images, but I did not get it to work. They always freeze, the most I was able to see was the guy in the elevator. Has anyone got this to run? I´m...
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    What Is A .smc File?

    Me again :-) First: I do not feel offended or called a pirate. Everything´s fine :D I do not remember exactly where I got it. I surfed alot since I have the GP32, and tried korean pages, too. I cant read too much, I just tend to "touch" every link I see and look what the linked page reads...
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    What Is A .smc File?

    Oh... well, I was not aware that it could be warez. Name is sobm.smc... Some sort of game. To big for a SNES-Rom. I´ll simply delete it... Thnx :unsure:
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    What Is A .smc File?

    I just found a Program for the Gp32 on the net that has the suffix .smc What type of file is this? How do I have to handle it? Thnx :D
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    Blu Smc Slot Is Blocked

    Yep, exactly. I had some problems with PCLink and so had to put the card to a Card-Reader quite often, for testing first, for getting everything set up now. I´m sure you know that feeling: You have much more Emus and Games on the GP32 than you can use, even if you play whole day. But there...
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    Blu Smc Slot Is Blocked

    Ok, thanks for this answer :D Will probably find me a tool to get it out. The card already shows marks of my nails...
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    Blu Smc Slot Is Blocked

    How can I determine if it is modded? It´s from LikSang, nothing was mentioned about Modding. They just say it is capable of 166Mhz. Can´t you even see the black component I takled about? It seats on silver "legs". There is a small gap between it and the Board on my unit. Does it seat...
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    Blu Smc Slot Is Blocked

    I got my BLU two days ago and was quite happy with the quality of the hardware, but there is a strange thing I found about the SMC-Slot which gets annoying: From the beginning I found it difficult to get the SMC out of the GP32 again. It does not smoothly "slip" into the slot but needs some...
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    Totally Confused: Strange Problem...

    Package Extractor... Cool. That solves the last of my problems. I will come back to PC-Link for formatting only now. Thanks a lot :D
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    Totally Confused: Strange Problem...

    Update: Ok, surfed a little further and found an answer to the Question: Is GPEngine buggy regarding it´s Save-Option? Well, it is not buggy but simply not using the already build-in function. So my problem seems to be the connection PCLink-GP32 only. After thinking of the bunch of software...
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    Totally Confused: Strange Problem...

    Hi all... I got my BLU from Lik Sang yesterday and had some very strage trouble with it which I can´t solve even after extensive reading in this forum and several FAQs. At first, let me tell you about my setup an what I did: I have a BLU, a 128MB Fuji SMC (clearly stated as 3.3 Volt in the...