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  1. F

    Bbc Micro Emu

    No :( I never had a BBC, my friend did and I played Citadel there, I was in awe of that game!!! What was the sequel called?
  2. F

    Bbc Micro Emu

    Hows about Citadel? Does anyone remember that game? No one I speak to has a clue what I'm talking about...
  3. F

    Overclocking Problem...

    You won't get anywhere! The ad at the top of this page is an invite to tender, i.e. something to get you into their store. Once in, it does say "up to 166MHz". If you clicked on the link above and were taken straight to a purchase page, then you would have a case.
  4. F

    Gp32 Chatboards

    OKie Dokie, can I get myself thrown in the front of the queue? Cheers big ears :)
  5. F

    Gp32 Chatboards

    Are you making any more of these? Or do I have to battle it out on ebay?
  6. F

    What Are Your Top 5 Bands/groups

    Don't stop, that way you may take in insufficient oxygen to maintain yourself :P . Boyz II Men are one of the few bands that can harmonise without music. How many new bands can do that without breaking panes of glass? Still each to their own - you like black music but not Boyz II Men -wierd...
  7. F

    What Are Your Top 5 Bands/groups

    Man, I must be old or something. I recognise about 25% of the bands listed in this thread! Anyway, for me it would have to be (in no particular order) Jodeci Boyz II Men Tracey Chapman Michael Jackson (including Jackson 5) Jamie Cullum (at the moment – went to see him in the Hammersmith...
  8. F

    Bbc Micro Port?

    Yeah lets start a petition or pool some funds for the 1st usable full sound emulator! Would that sort of thing work? I'm new to all this... I'd put £20 up to start the pot off, how much money would it take to make people take note and get doing what ever they do?
  9. F

    Bbc Micro Port?

    Anybody know of any news on this one? I remember seeing a friend playing a game called Citadel and didn't think about it again until I received my GP32. I found out it was on the BBC Micro, but there were no emulators *cries*. Has no one run with it yet then? I have no legs (metaphorically...
  10. F

    Gp32 Or Zodiac

    I’ve heard a little more. The DS will be released at $180 but the PSP’s price is as yet unknown but expected to be around $250-300. I think Nintendo have done far better than Sony on this, the price alone for the PSP has made me think I’d rather have a GP32 and a DS.
  11. F

    What is your avatar of?

    I'm fairly sure he doesn't want to protect them! I'm not convinced he wants to eat them either, but mainly because he knows that is a no no! Being a lurcher type cross breed, he was designed to hunt vermin, so there is a conflict of breeding vs those damned human owner people going on!
  12. F

    What is your avatar of?

    lol - weird animals aren't they! We are currently looking after some Guinea Pigs and Nipper will stalk around the run watching them, quietly moving around so as not to be seen ( :blink: ). He will literally do this for 4 hours at a time!!
  13. F

    What is your avatar of?

    I'm sure no one is interested but my av is of my dog Nipper. He's a rescue dog - Lol - I bet he wishes I'd never 'rescued' him. 5 weeks after he moved in with me, I shut his tail in the car door and had to spend £700 to sort it out. :blink:
  14. F


    Yes as not all Muslims believe in bombing westerners, only the extremists believe this and these people are being hunted as they do pose a threat to others. No. I was a ‘minor’ bully at school. I was small, got picked on, then got big and could do the picking on – so I did. I never hurt...
  15. F

    Satisfied With GP32?

    Lol - sorry not very clear. You know, usually when you order something on the net, you get an email to say, "your order was dispatched on ______ at _______ blah blah"
  16. F

    Satisfied With GP32?

    Hehe. more than likely but I've been doing it for 4 years now........... Anyway some of us don't have bosses that'll give us days off *clicks fingers* like that - so we have to get them back some how!! :D I believe these are special delivery and that means they are insured against damage en...
  17. F


    The word Paedophile simply relates to one who is sexually attracted to children. In the eyes of the law, this is like thinking about robbing a bank. You're not breaking any laws, but you are of concern. Yes we have laws against the sick porn these people may chose to view and yes if they...
  18. F

    New Gp32 Game

    And LMAO - that's just wrong! The possibilities are endless though, you could create a torture version - EX GIRLFRIENDS *screams like a girl*..........
  19. F

    Satisfied With GP32?

    Yeah yeah, rub it in why don'tcha! Is it definitely coming today - I still haven't received any shipping confirmation or anything :unsure: The hunt for the elusive gp32_console still continues - do you have a magnifying glass I could borrow?
  20. F

    Satisfied With GP32?

    Ahh poor diddums! Have you not got your wittle toy yet? :P Mine isn't going to be here until tomorrow either :'(