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  1. K

    Umstieg Caanoo Wiz - Ja / nein. Was ist richtig

    Niemand hat ihm hier vorgeworfen grundsätzlich nicht Recht zu haben, es wurden hier auch keine Punkte "angegriffen". Es wurden lediglich einige Fakten richtiggestellt. Und dass sein Vergleich "unvoreingenommen" ist, stimmt nicht wirklich.
  2. K

    When will my pandora?

    Just because the PS Vita currently beats the Pandora spec wise doesn't necessarily mean that the Pandora will become obsolete. You have to ask yourself what you want from your handheld. The Pandora is completely open and already has a lot of software available, including many emulators. The PS...
  3. K

    Way to go! (2011 - 10 - 19)

    Good luck ED! And thanks to all the investors for making it possible to continue!
  4. K

    Happy Birthday to EvilDragon - One of the Pandora Kings!

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch. :)
  5. K

    Umstieg Caanoo Wiz - Ja / nein. Was ist richtig

    Der Caanoo hat doppelt soviel Arbeitspeicher, was ein großer Pluspunkt ist. PSX-Emulation z.B. braucht einen großen Arbeitsspeicher und notaz hat letztens geschrieben, dass er nicht sicher sei, ob PCSX ReARMed überhaupt auf dem Wiz laufen würde, da das Gerät einen kleineren Arbeitsspeicher hat...
  6. K

    Money Money Money.

    As the janitor? You know, most of the time in real life, worst case scenarios don't occur, but only in those rare cases people remember Murphy's Law, which is why it seems to be legit. OP was too optimistic, though, that can't be denied. Still, that doesn't make them implicitly the source for...
  7. K

    Money Money Money.

    MWeston only wrote that building the boards should be done very quickly, not that it will take a month. Show me your source, please. Can you show me a source for when they ordered the cases and for when the actually received the cases, please? Because: And because the case manufacturing...
  8. K

    Ein wenig enttäuscht.

    Soweit ich weiß muss man Wiz-Software nur neu kompilieren, damit sie auf dem Caanoo läuft. Falls also die Quelldateien frei zugänglich sind, sollte ein "Port" nur eine Sache von wenigen Minuten sein. ;) Vielleicht sollte mal jemand eine Liste erstellen mit aller Wiz-Software, deren Quelldateien...
  9. K

    Ein wenig enttäuscht.

    Ich bezweifle, dass Emulatoren oder Spiele allgemein von einem zweiten Prozessor profitiert hätten. Ein 1 Ghz Prozessor allerdings wäre eine gute Sache gewesen, aber hätte sicher auch den Preis hochgetrieben. Vergesst nicht, dass man den Caanoo übertakten kann, also können es durchaus 700 Mhz...
  10. K

    Money Money Money.

    aq21: Can you elaborate what is incorrect about my statement, please? I did say that OPT probably did some wrong decisions, but they are still not responsible for CircuitCo's failure with the PCBs. Is that incorrect? He explaines that the process of building the boards was "well understood" at...
  11. K

    Money Money Money.

    aq21: It seems to me that you are jumping to conclusions. You have no arguments so far, only your personal speculations based on some vague statements from Craig who is known for his cryptical messages. I don't believe that the OPT would deliberately delay the production process knowing that...
  12. K

    Money Money Money.

    Understand the current situation and be fair to the OpenPandora team as well. They invested hundreds of thousands of dollars of own money into the Pandora and a hell of a lot of unpaid time. It's just a misfortune that CircuitCo turned out to be shit and no one can be blamed for their faults...
  13. K

    A plan taking form (2011-10-05)

    See opening post: So I would expect the first Pandoras to be shipped in February.
  14. K

    Money Money Money.

    They will still have to pay the whole price (375 or 445 EUR minus the preorder payment) before getting their Pandoras, which is far more than preorderers from batch 1 and Batch 2 had to pay. ^^ But you seem to be missing the point: The new produced Pandoras must partially go to new orderers...
  15. K

    Preorders have started! (2011-10-04)

    Thanks. Yeah, it's not included explicitly, but the IBAN is composed of them, of course, silly me.
  16. K

    Preorders have started! (2011-10-04)

    Damn VAT, the price increased to 445 EUR. :wacko: EvilDragon: You forgot to include the account data for domestic bank transfer in your confirmation email. Or am I supposed to use the BIC + IBAN for domestic bank transfer as well?
  17. K

    Business Plan sent to interested investors (2011 - 09 - 20)

    To be honest, I would not buy a phone if I am interested in a handheld dedicated to gaming, even with the iControlPad.
  18. K

    Business Plan sent to interested investors (2011 - 09 - 20)

    I don't think it's outdated. It's still more powerful than most of the other handhelds on the market and (IMO) will do well the next few years. Not to mention the big and growing community and an impressive support.
  19. K

    Ein paar Fragen zum Firmware update.

    Dein Caanoo wird vermutlich - so wie meiner, den ich vor einigen Wochen bestellt habe - bereits mit der neuesten Firmware (1.6.1) geliefert. Damit wird dir bestimmt nichts fehlen.
  20. K

    Sd Cards

    In spots where the game streams large amount of data, yeah, but it hardly would affect the overall performance. Most of the time games will probably do physics and render graphics and not stream data.