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  1. C

    Release Lightweight 2

    Any wishes for 1.13?
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    Beta Lightweight2

    Fullscreen can be switched with F11. Zoom support will be included in 1.12
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    Beta Lightweight2

    Currently i have build a close-button on the tab-buttons.
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    Beta Lightweight2

    Any wishes for 1.12?
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    Beta Lightweight2

    Any wishes for 1.10?
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    Beta Lightweight2

    That seems to be a problem with QtNetwork. I can't get the actual filename from the download-request i have to handle. Thr URL is the only way to get the filename. --- Edit: I had a look into Arora that has solved the problem. I will include a fix in 1.10 LW2 is primaly developed for...
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    Beta Lightweight2

    I think this is a problem with the webserver: A Webserver should not send a php file to download. I have testet it: The webserver sends the PND named "download.php". But it actuallay is the PND as far as i can see.
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    Beta Lightweight2

    The cache is done by QtWebKit. For 1.10 i have added a command-line option to chanche the cache-size for the started session.
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    Beta Lightweight2

    To the screenshot on the first page: You better use an own (copy of the) screenshot on the first page. Currently you only see the bookmark-manager.
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    Beta Lightweight2

    But is would not save space. That are only 96px more for the tabbuttons. The shortcuts triggers the buttons, so they won't trigger on shortcut if you hide them. If you want to have the last 24px for the website soo, i could make the tobbar hideable. But i don't think there is any need. ---Edit...
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    Beta Lightweight2

    The LW2 button is hideable (Press Ctrl+M). To hide the other buttons makes no sence, they are needed very often. Currently the number of characters in the Tabbutton is limited to 100 chars.
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    Beta Lightweight2

    I am experimentimg with little changes on the GUI: 1. Topbar-size is reduced to 24px height 2. Moved the "New tab" button right of the tabs Here is a screenhsot of it: What do you think about it?
  13. C

    Beta Lightweight2

    I can add the ability to set the download-folder, but on your Systems QSettings does not seems to work properly. So i would need to use ugly file-reading for you. And i dont want to do this. So you should need to patch the code by yourself. I think the best way is: 1. Add a static QString...
  14. C

    Beta Lightweight2

    the download directory is hardcoded in download.cpp: Line 243 QFileInfo fi(QDir::homePath()+"/Downloads/"+ui->lFile->text()); Justr change QDir::homePath()+"/Downloads/" to waht ever you wish.
  15. C

    Beta Lightweight2

    Qt uses the systems open-file-dialog if aviable. If there is no, Qt has its own open-file-dialog. So (one of) both does not have the ability to show hidden files. This i a problem i can't fix. To workaround the "problem" copy the hidden file to a non hidden file, or enter the filename directly.