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    Caanoo Vs Wiz Mame4All Nag Screens

    Does anyone know why the nag screens (warning, and game info) are disabled on the caanoo but are still there on the wiz I thought it was the same software Mame4all 2.7   has anyone disabled those screens on a Wiz?
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    Is It Possible To Get The Dragon's Lair Video Files To Play The Ga

    Is it possible to get the Dragon's Lair video files to play the game through Mplayer? I know there is a sega CD version but the image quality is quite poor I have the dvd's so I could scale the video clips down to 320x240 and it would look great just a matter of getting the video player to work...
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    Can You Make An .ini File To Load A Specific Game Rom

    Does anyone know how to this for Mame4All? this text launches to the menu, but not the rom cd /mnt/sd/Mame4all2-5 exec ./mame.gpe /mnt/sd/Mame4all2-5/roms/
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    Can You Make An .ini File To Load A Specific Game Rom

    hmn, thank you so much for the reply! I'll try it out an suggestions on a mac text editor that uses Unix line endings I use TextEdit and I can get the regular (load directly into PicoDrive) autorun.gpe to run fine EDIT: thanks so much, worked flawlessly!!!!! TextEdit worked fine
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    Can You Make An .ini File To Load A Specific Game Rom

    I tried that and it gets hung on the loading screen this is the autorun text I have: cd /mnt/sd/PicoDrive exec ./PicoDrive.gpe /mnt/sd/PicoDrive/Dragon's Lair.iso Any suggestions?
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    Mini Donkey Kong Cabinet Based On Wiz

    Here is My Mini Donkey Kong Cabinet made from a Wiz Running Mame4All Special thanks to Franxis for porting Mame4All to the Wiz, Cheers! anybody know how to make a vertical mame list and/or bootscreen?
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    Autorun Specific Mame Rom?

    Tried it out, no luck with Mame Maybe it doesn't support a rom file option
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    Can You Make An .ini File To Load A Specific Game Rom

    qbertaddict, Thanks for the info! I have been able to get that to work, but I want to go a step further and get a specific rom to load any ideas on that?
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    Can You Make An .ini File To Load A Specific Game Rom

    I'd like to make an .ini file that loads a specific game from for a specific Nes or Mame rom any way to do that? or even an autorun.gpu program to load into a specific game rom any help would be much appreciated!!
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    Autorun Specific Mame Rom?

    Thanks so much I'll try it out!
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    I just did this with Mame4all turn aoutorun on in settings put all the files from your gpSp GBA folder in the root level of you SD card and it should run the autorun program for gpSp GBA
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    Mame4All 2.5

    Any chance of getting a vertical menu option? I'd like to be able to play all vertical games and keep the the wiz in that orientation
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    Autorun Specific Mame Rom?

    I got the Wiz to open directly into Mame4All but I'd like to get it to launch directly into a specific game Rom (Donkey Kong) does anybody know if that can be done, and if so how? is there a way to make an executable from a Rom? Thanks so much!