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  1. DoubleDash

    Encoding video for the Pandora on the Pandora

    ^MCOBIT Thanks, that looks neat. I will give it a try. I usually convert via windoze usuing AnyDVD > Super , and then copy files to SD card. This takes some time for a full DVD, I don't like to skimp too much on the quality! I can't see doing any kind of serious encoding on the Pandora as...
  2. DoubleDash

    Goodbye and Good Luck

    Thanks for your support to date. It is a lot of money (premium) especially when it's delivery schedule changes to non premium! Having said that I waited two years and four months for my pandora, and now that I have one, it ain't going anywhere!
  3. DoubleDash

    Stripped down Pandora "light"?

    Adding variations to the production process is probably the last thing needed right now. I could only see such changes adding further complexy/increased cost, fair idea though.
  4. DoubleDash

    Release Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

    Absolutely incredible M-HT. This runs perfectly, far better than through DOSBOX. This is one of my all time favourites. Thanks does not even come close. Team Pandora PM this guy to do some other stuff !! :)
  5. DoubleDash

    Pandora on Holiday

    Same here. I'm never without it.....don't always use it....but never without it! I didn't wait for this baby for over two years just to ditch her....this has gone way past the engagement period...was that a pandora quick start quide in the box or a wedding certificate....must check.... :)
  6. DoubleDash

    DOSBox Speed...

    If you are really desperate for a taste of C&C: Red Alert then you could run it at full speed with proper gaming controls via the PS1 emulator version and game. Yeahh, I know this is "cheating" :)
  7. DoubleDash

    open letter to Pandora Hard/Software development

    Well said. And to put it another's no longer possible for me to leave the house without considering the paramount need to carry my pandora with me. Hell, who needs house keys anyway!
  8. DoubleDash

    Release Residual on Repo

    ^ Don't apologise. Any route that leads the Grim Fandango is worthy of pushing! :)
  9. DoubleDash

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    Thanks ED I don't think many people are working as hard as the team right now. I am looking forward to the next hotfix/os.
  10. DoubleDash

    Release rRootage

    Thanks MCOBIT. Blueprotoman and SONY share at least one identical gene.....but always good for entertainment value....depending on which way you look at it :)
  11. DoubleDash

    Mounting the PND Failed

    IIRC the spaces in PND filenames was a reported issue some time ago.
  12. DoubleDash

    And so it begins....

    QUOTE : "So I join the small unwashed masses that are the pandora owners." Perhaps other potential owners might find this informative.....there is no time for washing/personal hygiene....once you become a pandora owner. Welcome to the madhouse Vanil :)
  13. DoubleDash

    xfce file manager cannot dive into subdir?

    Use 'Icon' view as Alerino says. Very annoying bug as I am always wanting to use the detail view. Although I have gotten used to it 'Icon View' seems a bit noddy to me :) I'm not sure if this is fixed in HF6, it must (famous last words) surely be on the table as lots of people have reported it.
  14. DoubleDash

    battery out of juice in the evening :(

    You might want to use anacron as your crons may not run assuming your pandora is not always on. Not sure if it's in the angstrom repo though. My battery once got very hot when trickle charging, I would definitely advise against it from my experience. I can also concur with WizardStan's...
  15. DoubleDash


    Fantastic work, thanks.
  16. DoubleDash

    What's the address can I send my pandora for fixing?

    Send it to my home address, clearly marked for spares. Thanks.
  17. DoubleDash

    Setting up Remmina

    Yes but you need to: 1. Make sure that your wi-fi is enabled and you are connected to your home network, as should be your PC. 2. Make sure you have the correct IP address of your PC. Probably 'ipconfig' in the command line. 3. Have a service/protocol/client running on your PC (I use...
  18. DoubleDash

    Renaming SD cards

    Again, Gparted. However, sometimes I had to unmount the card first, through gparted or command line. I also think I might have had problems with the pandora directory and it's apps making unmounting impossible within gparted. I think on one occasion when I was having problems I even renames...
  19. DoubleDash

    Native C++ IDE

    If I am not mistaken I believe an updated version of CB was uploaded which works. Certainly I have been using CBs for about a couple of months now.
  20. DoubleDash

    Super Geometry Dust

    Good idea, and would look smoother. Although not having to worry too much about accidentally colliding into things is also good. Hey, bung it into the option settings, as if the guy does not have enough to do already! :) Mind you, maybe I ought to play the game before making comments...