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  1. D

    Selling Gp32 & Gp2X

    the gp32 is sold :) gp2x still available! :)
  2. D

    Selling Gp32 & Gp2X

    is no one interested? :(
  3. D

    Selling Gp32 & Gp2X

    Then my gp32 is a Front Lit unit, it has a small switch on the back :)
  4. D

    Selling Gp32 & Gp2X

    Sure i am from germany :) I ship to the entire world :)
  5. D

    Selling Gp32 & Gp2X

    Hey Iorgy77, its the GP2x First Edition, i think for the GP32 only one version exists, right? :) Memory Cards: 1x 16 MB Smart Media 1x 128 MB Smart Media 1x 2GB SD Card 1x 512MB SD Card 1x 128MB SD Card
  6. D

    Selling Gp32 & Gp2X

    Hey Guys, after a long time hiatus from this forums I find myself unable to play with either my GP32 and GP2x due to serious time issues :( While i really regret to let my babies go, i simply have to let them live ^^ Well.. I am selling my GP32 and GP2x - both are in excellent condition, clean...
  7. D

    Wah Help Me While I Still Have Battery Left!!

    puh thanks :) problem solved!
  8. D

    Wah Help Me While I Still Have Battery Left!!

    hi folks, about 10 minutes ago i've started the firmware upgrade from 1.4 to 2.0 ive formatted my 2gb sd card in fat32, copied all the files, booted up my gp2x, the initial firmware upgrade screen was shown. then after a while the green loading screen showed up with the new firmware-version...
  9. D

    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    hmm odd. have you checked the setting? the line to remove/edit for the y button is: hand_shutdown "key 111" change that to another button or remove it to have full control of the y button. i remember i had a key mapped with two values/events before and had some strange results. also if the game...
  10. D

    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    check the vid ive uploaded on one of the previous sites and you get the impression ;)
  11. D

    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    well you see - you are the root of all evil buddy
  12. D

    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    omfg i pity you :/ had sort of a problem myself in january, i know how it hurts BEFORE the operation... couldnt sleep and stuff. hmm..... hmmm..... BWAHHAHAHAHAHA :lol: ;) yes it does. try that for a change: 1. everytime you go to the toilet sit about 45 mins 2. sit the rest of the day in...
  13. D

    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! that HAS to hurt like hell :/
  14. D

    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    well.. NOW i am seeing why no females are in the gaming community.... shame on you all^^
  15. D

    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    hm ok :) i think you've forgotten to undo my default mapping for 'exit dosbox' which is on y with the dynablaster release. check the upper part of mapper.txt hm :) are those games available as abandonware somewhere so i could give it a try? if theres not much animation it might work btw: when...
  16. D

    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    sorry dude, i've warned you. and thats dead serious. like banging your girlfriend? ;) thanks for that link - it really IS dangorous. so: no shitting with the gp2x on! seriously dudes!
  17. D

    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    well thats right. you ass gonne look like this: >LINK REMOVED(waring, offensive image) and btw: thats no joke. i only take my gp2x to the bathtub to play dynablaster :)
  18. D

    DOSBox DrEffects veröffentlicht

    hm sorry, dann weis ich auch nicht. ich wüsste jetzt nicht wie ich "anders" kompilieren könnte. entweder es geht oder eben nicht... hm strange. du hast wie vorgeschlagen auch mal das set_speed.gpe rauskommentiert?
  19. D

    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    i stand in sheer amazement and hold my breath in awe on you guys - after i've posted about ten times that only extreemly old software will run and sprite emulation ist terribly slow someone in fact asks if C&C: red alert ist possible ;) well, its not. @baalim: thx :) i unfortuneately dont...
  20. D

    DOSBox DrEffects veröffentlicht

    hm ich hätt da jetzt auch gern ne antwort für dich aber ich hab leider keine ahnung. ich würde vermuten es liegt an der firmware, aber wenn jemand anderer die gleiche hat und bei dem gehts... hmm. kannst du mal testweise die neueste offiz. aufspielen?