Search results

  1. Yerffej

    What is a good x86 Linux OS similar to the Pyra to get familiar with?

    I have an old dual core laptop laying around, and I want to load Linux on it. So I figured I would load it with a distro to help me get familiar with Pyra's OS. I know it would be some sort of Debian, but which one? When the Pyras are shipped I'd like to get a head start!
  2. Yerffej

    [Question] Remapping Buttons To Match Snes Controls

    I was wondering if it is possible to remap my Wiz's buttons similar to the SNES layout. Switching the physical buttons would be simple, but I was wondering if I could modify the firmware somehow to reflect the changes. Would anyone know how this could be done?
  3. Yerffej

    Homestar Runner Games Any of these games would be great on the wiz. I managed to get Trogdor to kind of work, but there was no sound. Stinkoman would be the greatest
  4. Yerffej

    Theme Request: Iphone/ Ios

    I'm surprised this hasn't been done already. A theme to look like the iPhone. Any takers?