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  1. EvilUnicorn

    My Husband, His Pandora And I

    Well, you'll get my story once mitosis gets his Pandora and has run it through a few thousand tests, benchmarks, and examinations. For now, it's pretty much him ripping his hair out every month or two when Craig says this or Craig says that about some theoretical possible change to the plans...
  2. EvilUnicorn

    I love Mitosis!! XD

    I love Mitosis!! XD
  3. EvilUnicorn

    I love Mitosis!! XD

    I love Mitosis!! XD
  4. EvilUnicorn

    Thank you!! 8D

    Thank you!! 8D
  5. EvilUnicorn

    Popsci Best Of What's New

    I personally doubt either PopSci or Wired would care too much for the Pandora. The DIY-enthusiast magazine, Make, might be a little more interested in what we've got going on here. Regardless, I'm totally for the Pandora being submitted to this Best of What's New contest... however it looks...
  6. EvilUnicorn


    Is it just me, or does ED seem a little less jolly than usual in this video? I mean in all his other videos he's like the happy saint of open source gaming, in this video he seems a little down. OOH man look at those eyebrows go! :D
  7. EvilUnicorn

    Still Waiting For Nubs And Boards?

    Yeah, just tell them you'll pay for them 4000 at a time too ;) ...and get it all in contract: "we're buying 100000 cases but we only want 4000 every few months as we demand them and we'll only pay for delivered product as we receive it" sure to include a "going under" clause to allow...
  8. EvilUnicorn

    Haha!! Well I plan on having a lot of colorful tattoos someday!! XD

    Haha!! Well I plan on having a lot of colorful tattoos someday!! XD
  9. EvilUnicorn

    YAY!!! ^_^

    YAY!!! ^_^
  10. EvilUnicorn

    Pandora Should Move To Android

    Android on the Pandora as a third party or community driven alternate operating system? Yes. Android on the Pandora as a replacement for Angstrom as the default operating system? NO! OpenPandora LTD spending time, money, or resources on Android? NO!
  11. EvilUnicorn

    What Are You Doing To Get Your Pandora?

    On topic: I married mitosis ...although I guess technically that's what I did to get HIS Pandora. To get MY Pandora, I just charge him a dollar for oral pleasures... now as soon as he has a new job I'll be able to get what he owes me and order a few second batch Pandoras.
  12. EvilUnicorn

    Craig In The It Crowd?

    YES!!! GOLF! I mean FOUR! I mean FIRE!! 0118 999 881 999 119 7253 I love that song... yep... I actually have the song memorized :D