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    Need Repairs or Upgrade? Here's What to do (and not to do)!

    Hey guys, I'm hoping to get my Pandora fixed as it seems the LCD cable has shat itself. It initially started as a pink/purple haze, then started flickering for a period of time when booting up. Now the screen just doesn't come on at all. I noticed there was no LCD cable repair option on the...
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    iCP2: They're throwing in the towel.

    As much as I did want to see a Witch hunt for every single missing penny on Craig to take place, I much rather he remain under whatever shit-stained rock he is hiding under never to be seen or heard from again. So, I opted for the Pyra option and finally help put this bullshit behind me. Good...
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    iCP2: They're throwing in the towel.

    Well... I guess I should be glad this fiasco has finally ended, one way or the other. I may as well add this money to the 1GHZ money bag that Craig buggered off with. (Granted, I upgraded with Ed and gave up waiting on Craig for the chance to either refund me or send my unit. But still, fuck...
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    My satisfaction with the Pandora after owning it for 2 years now

    I would just like to mention that I as well have similar charging problems, with both my CC and 1Ghz unit. I'm lucky to get it to 70% before it stops charging altogether and I have to to unplug, switch it off and plug it back in again for a second go. And even that doesn't always get it to 100%...
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    Pandora Rebirth + OP Carry Case - Australia

    Not as pricey as you may think mate. It only cost me 19AUD to post my spare Pandy to the US.
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    Got pandora: Thank you all ... community funded preorder

    That's awesome news! Congrats buddy. :)
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    Release Days of Dawn on Pandora

    Dammit. I really want to see this game made.
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    Project Awakened springs back to life on Kickstarter

    Just backed this project! Thanks for sharing it mate, I would have missed out on this little gem. :)
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    I think I might have been Scammed by Open Pandora.

    I'm starting to think Craig doesn't even know what his customer list is.
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    I think Craig has a plan

    Yeah I got this email as well, though I'm not entirely sure why considering I didn't even receive the last 1Ghz I paid $700 to Craig for (had to cross-update with Ed). Does he think I'm that stupid to try again with him? Piss off.
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    Do you smoke? <Revisited>

    Nope, never have. The stench on those that do has always been enough for me to avoid that shit like the plague. A cold beer and a joint on the other hand... ;)
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    Should people disable their tapatalk spam message?

    Yes, fuck Tapatalk. Posted on my iPhone using my thumbs to type the letters whilst watching Farscape on a Sony Bravia TV and drinking Tooheys Extra Dry. I'm not wearing pants, either. Annoying, isn't it?
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Well, I won't hold my breath on a pre-order list appearing in our life time. ;) But! My little black Pandy has now been sent off into the wild to the open arms of a new owner. :) May they receive it in one piece. I wish I could help more but unfortunately I only have the one spare Pandora...
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Thank you. Like I said it is the least I can do. We've gotta look out for each other in this little pond.
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    A single, straight bloody answer would go a long way - something I have seen very rarely from him during my short couple of years here. "How many pre-orders remain?" It's not like folks here are asking him to sign over his first born child for crying out loud. Hell, a part of me wishes I...
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    As long as Craig can be cut out of the middle (I take it that's what 'drop shipping' means?) things can move very smoothly.
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Well... He either does not know how to count, or he's been up to something very fucking dodgy. Or he's just a stubborn bastard that refuses to tell anyone his remaining pre-order amount. Either way I suppose it is the benefit of the doubt for now until we know for certain. Until Craig's next...
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    I love the look at that new website. :) Yes, definitely get that thing fixed and put up live!
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Well judging by Craig's head-in-the-sand responses he is certainly not interested in trying to work with anyone to resolve this problem... "It's everyone else's fault but mine!" Nothing is going to move forward here until he can pull his head out of his arse, lick his wounds, and move forward...
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    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Fuck me. The Craig chaos just gets deeper and deeper it seems. I am so glad to be out of his que and his bullshit - and so, so sorry for everyone else who's still trapped in that frustrating limbo. The ICP2 will be the last money this clown sees from me (I was thinking of even cancelling that...