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  1. maplesugarlover

    Port Requests

    no offense but I already added that link . Wish people would at least look at that page : (
  2. maplesugarlover

    Maxconsole Article, Very Nice........

    I agree with you Exophase. Now if I could just have my pandora arrive ......
  3. maplesugarlover

    Homebrew competition!!

    whatever happened to the castlevania like game ?
  4. maplesugarlover

    Feature requests for HF6

    I propose adding a gui app for taking screenshots and a system monitor with gui. Pandora already has this stuff, but its cli : (
  5. maplesugarlover

    Just Tried Out The 3Ds

    Sony, no picture of 3ds next to pandora, psp and dsi?
  6. maplesugarlover

    New LCD Cables finished too early (2010 - 03 - 18)

    Evildragon comes from an alternate time line?
  7. maplesugarlover

    I'm getting a lot of flak over the username SONY

    I dislike Canonical by amazon is cool. my did you friend me sony ?
  8. maplesugarlover

    Blender 2.5 Port Request

    It been on port request for a while ...... Requirements are a bit high for pandora, especially the ui : (
  9. maplesugarlover

    [Request] RadioTimeToGo

    I guess java pnd is fail then ;)
  10. maplesugarlover

    Release Nightvision 3.0

    other people want stellarium too
  11. maplesugarlover

    Release Sandora 0.1.1

    reminds me of burning sand 2
  12. maplesugarlover

    So there's a very good chance I have ADD

    but Wyoming does exist. I went there to see Yellowstone national park : )
  13. maplesugarlover

    Release Maze Of Galious And Roadfigher Remake Port

    took you long enough to make a topic :lol: those are from february
  14. maplesugarlover

    Porting Minetest

    "After some long work porting SuperTuxKart to a new graphics engine, irrLicht, as a replacement for the old and outdated plib, we are proud to announce the first alpha release of the SuperTuxKart 0.7 development branch" from january 2010 Note: Supertux 0.7 has already been released
  15. maplesugarlover

    First impressions of my Pandy... mixed feelings...

    Craigix, use the wiki lists to keep the appstore up to date
  16. maplesugarlover

    Port Requests

    Its already on port requests
  17. maplesugarlover

    Release Hotfix 5 - RC2. Last one before going final

    pictures of folder graphics for the subcats in MiniMenu ?
  18. maplesugarlover

    Port Requests

    pandora has xlincity
  19. maplesugarlover

    Native C++ IDE

    the wiki is your friend
  20. maplesugarlover

    Native C++ IDE

    Code:blocks is on the pandora