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  1. B

    Non-Working Gba Games

    Pokemon Emerald runs for me, but only if the rom is zipped.
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    Did You Get Your Retail Wiz? Post About It Here!

    I bought mine from console source about a year ago. After about two weeks, the screen crapped out. (pixels started turning black) However, I sent it in and they sent me a brand new wiz that has worked for at least a year, and the only problem I've had with it was that I had to re-flash it twice...
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    Pocketsnes & Tarranigma

    1:Save states are generally not compatible between different emulators, but the sram (battery or default save) should be. 2:Yes its just a pre-patched rom. 3:Pm me and I'll email you my sram save if you don't want to mess with the emulator.
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    Pocketsnes & Tarranigma

    That patch works for me sound and all, however I started the game with a PC emulator, then transferred the sram over. You might try that.
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    Non-Working Gba Games

    Sonic Advance crashes after a little bit for me.
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    Pocketsnes & Tarranigma

    Are you talking about Terranigma? Fantasy anime has a patch I think.