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  1. Z

    1GHz units, Classic units, repairs and TV-Out Cables (2012-08-24)

    so if we ordered with craig...we're SOL?
  2. Z

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    hah...ya i got deb on mine - but the kernel is so useless i can't DO anything with it but keep it up to date. had it all set, thennnn....oh bootloader is locked...shoulda checked that first
  3. Z

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    like legit boot and everything or chroot?
  4. Z

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    2010? no way... did you get tv-out cables?
  5. Z

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    2009 order, which i why i asked. but if the 1ghz may not be ready for 1-2months...i'll wait
  6. Z

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    is getting the 1GHz going to get a pandora faster? ...and can you get it with a black case =/
  7. Z

    UK ordering available again for new units

    yes - please do this
  8. Z

    Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

    me too capsterx - waiting to hope i get an e-mail saying it has shipped so i can finally get it...but from the transfer off of craig and the delays and money being used for newer orders - it's a waiting game
  9. Z

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    I know - I was referring to a certain part. But like ED said - that would be a low blow... (because I post rarely on here, and I've said it before - the pandora team has done well and I respect them. - But being shafted again just sucks...original buyers really aren't getting much out of this...
  10. Z

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    Everyone should be aware of that... But I still don't see a "profit" on my end. Like I said - 3 years
  11. Z

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    No that's not a 'profit'. 1. We had to wait 3 years... 2. The RAM is the only 'upgrade' I heard of (let me know if I am wrong, but they don't have the lower amount anymore)
  12. Z

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    ok - we've read the complaints - ED has responded to some...but HONESTLY first off - we are still waiting and understand the hic-ups and issues the pandora has had to deal with (or we would not be here). we understand the 'premium' boost... HOWEVER giving other people a jump to the front...
  13. Z

    order from 2009...ppl have got theirs from 2010

    dannnnng. i guess if the 'premium bump' supercedes everyyyyone... ya i keep getting hasseled by people that i'm never going to see it...preetty much see the money as gone. hell i'd take the case with no chips if i got some of my money back...i couldve put my own board in it by now x_x edit...
  14. Z

    order from 2009...ppl have got theirs from 2010

    I know this place is full of 'omg where the hell is mine' but I am getting concerned... I am aware that some people have got their pandora, and they have ordered AFTER I have... I could throw a slew of questions in here but basically 'wtf' sums it up... Any reason/explanation why? Anyone?
  15. Z

    Official Blog- A Big Thanks To All Of You!

    Woo! Finally. Want it nowwwwwww. Like you said, the few more weeks can't hurt after this long.
  16. Z

    Pandora 2, A Year Or So From Now?

    I only read the first few post, but I would totally buy a new Pandora with the cortex-9. Dual 1GHz, most certainly more memory and the capabilities on the cortex9 are better. Why let all the big names have the fun? Pandora would just be left in the dust if everyone gets a new OMAP4 next year...