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  1. A

    Wiz D-Pad Mod. Now You Can Have Great Control!

    The pad on the right side is actually 4 independent buttons, and not at all the same as the 1-piece DPad on the left. There's no way to swap parts from a second wiz, if that's your intention. The part that is modded is just a molded plastic piece; it's extremely simple. I suppose in theory it...
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    Wiz D-Pad Mod. Now You Can Have Great Control!

    I suppose time will tell if the plastic stays in place or not. The main reason I decided against the pin mod was that it seemed as though replacing a soft, rounded plastic pivot point with a smaller, harder metal nub would potentially damage the board over time by introducing a focused...
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    Wiz D-Pad Mod. Now You Can Have Great Control!

    Hi everyone, I came across this guide this morning and wanted to thank you for the idea. I wanted to share, though, that I found a slightly easier, and potentially safer way to fix the D-Pad movement. I followed the breakdown instructions provided by the original author, but instead of...