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  1. D

    Are There Going To Be Enough?

    After paying my bills and buying my books for college and all. i am flat out broke. no money, nada, zilch, zip, zero. if i get money soon in the future am i going to be able to get a pandora or will it end up going out of stock or the prices inflating due to unavailability? i really wanted a...
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    Vnc Sfotware For The Pandora

    Is it possible? I dont even know if there is decent open source VNC software but the idea seems pretty awesome. Edit: I just stumbled upon the another thread that search never showed =/ oops
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    Comic Reader For The Pandora

    So! I love comics, ive got a collection of like 30 gigs and i even have a comic reader on my phone, so im wondering if the pandora will have something similar to this: comic reader
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    Pandora For Not So Fun Uses

    Ive been following the pandora ever since all this mumbo-jumbo got started and now that its so close ive been wondering. Can it actually act as a full blown netbook that i can take to class and take notes on? For now its either buying the pandora or a new video card for the desktop. Im most...