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  1. K

    Pandora erhalten? -> Bestellnummer hier eintragen!

    Bestellnummer: 3056 Bestelldatum: 03.10.2008 Versanddatum: 16.04.2012 Zustelldatum: 17.04.2012 Anzahl-Pandoras: 1
  2. K

    Breakout Board

    Nah, Gerber files are sufficient for homemade PCB production... there are several viewing/printing applications. Though you should also know how to read a schematic, in case they don't deliver a component placement diagram. The layout doesn't look too complicated to me. If you could replace...
  3. K

    New Blog Post!

    Some serious whining going on here. Speaking as one of the "silent majority" not frequently bickering on these forums once a new blog post is released, I don't care after 18 months if its one more month or two, or three - I want the best quality device they can produce and this last blog post...
  4. K

    Translators For German Post?

    Well, here's a complete translation by someone who actually speaks German: --- Q: ED, will the Pandora be released before Christmas? A: If nothing else had gone wrong, we could have made it easily. Now it will probably be very close, as we don't know exactly when the Chinese are going to...